Hey there Top Dreamers! It’s time for some recycling, so here I’m going to show you How To Recycle Old Items Into New Useful Creative Designs. You are going to be fascinated with these new and interesting DIY designs that are going to add a unique touch to you home decor. They are not difficult to make, so you won’t find it hard to recreate the looks. Check them out and make your picks.
If you have once broken your leg, you have probably used crutches that helped you to move around. Well, if you are all good now, it’s time to put them to a good use. You can now reuse them to make your one-of-a-kind lamp in no time. How do you like the idea?
Awesome Ways to Recycle Your Old Items

If you have broken your rack, repaint it and use it in your home decor exclusively as key holder. In this way you will always remember where you have put your keys and you will never lose them again!

If you adore unique DIY projects, then you should definitely have fun with the photo frames in your home. To decorate the photos of your kids in a fantastic way, you can use their toys and add personal touch to them with ease!

Have you ever thought that the window shutters can be used as chair backs? It’s wonderful idea that you should recreate really soon! It’s will save you lots of money, so go ahead and copy it!

Use old wood pieces to make a headboard for your bedroom bed. It’s a super easy idea that doesn’t require a help from a professional. How do you like it?

I really love the old and vintage cars, so I would definitely like to make them a part from my interior decor. What about turning the old car into a kid’s bed?

Use old wood and nails and create an original and outstanding wine rack!

Make use of an old tin can and a sweater and create a pretty crayon storage for your kids. They are going to adore it!
Image via hometalk.com
The old door that you have been considering as useless and that has been collecting dust in the basement, can be used in any home and serve as an eye-catching decorative piece. Give it a huge makeover and let it shine once again.

Is there someone who doesn’t have crates in their home? Almost everyone has at least one, and they are going to be getting them more and more since they can be used for great DIY projects. Use plenty of creates and create a cupboard in no time. It’s a cheap design that will save you lots of money.

If you have kids, you have to have tons of toys. They are bound to create a big mess, so use creates to store them in an easy way. Which idea do you like the best? Keep me posted in the comments below!