3D street art paintings have become quite popular these days and great works of art can be found on the streets all over the world. Most famous artists like Julian Beever, Edgar Müller and Manfred Stader, are men who are famous for their art on the pavement of England , France , Germany , USA , Australia, Argentina and Belgium because they give drawings a 3d illusion. The 3D street art is a two-dimensional work of art drawn on the street that gives you a three – dimensional optical illusion from a certain perspective.
Using a projection called anamorphosis to create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle, these artists create some of the finest 3D pavement illusions. So, it is all about a matter of perspective, because if you don’t look the street design from the right angle, the illustration won’t come alive to you, but instead will appear to you as flat and distorted and you won’t appreciate the work of the artist.
Interesting 3D Street Art Paintings