Should Inversion Tables be Used Only to Relieve Back Pain


Until they experience back pain, most people pay little attention to their back health. Also, many people come to learn of inversion tables through this health problem. So, it is hardly surprising that some people think that these special tables should be used only to relieve back pain. But does this have to be the case? Are these tables only good for back pain relief and nothing else?

True, the most significant use of inversion table is relieve from back pain. It does not matter if the pain is caused by herniated discs, spinal stenosis or a host of other spinal problems. They have consistently been named among the most effective options for physical therapy for this widespread problem; sufficiency of scientific support for the assumption notwithstanding. 

The inversion table uses gravity to provide full-spine traction. Medial research is scarce on the effectiveness of these physical therapy devices in treating back pain. However, back pain patients have time and again reported getting relief from back pain after using them.

The table works by reversing the gravitational effect that caused the painful spinal problem. Although the regularity with which back pain affects many people has made them synonymous with back pain therapy, these tables have other uses as well. 

What Inversion Tables Can Do Beside Treating Back Pain

Increasing Height

People wake up taller, and they go to bed shorter. As much as three-quarters of an inch is lost throughout the day due to the compression of the spine by gravity. This effect can be rolled back at will with the help of this physical therapy aid.

Decompressing Organs and Improving Circulation

A lot of the blood in the body has to go against the force of gravity. Therefore, using an inversion table can provide a temporary blood flow assistance to your body by making the process a lot easier. There is also an argument in support of the indication that they can help relieve congestion in the organs. 

But why hang upside down to improve circulation and decongest the organs when all along, the body is designed to handle its circulation even with the gravity? Apparently, this intervention can increase blood flow, and this can in turn facilitate elimination of waste in the body in cases where that would be beneficial; for instance, when there is a toxin build up in the body.

Right Physical Misalignment

Some physical activities can make the body misaligned. For instance, playing a one-sided sport such as golf for hours at a stretch can cause alignment problems in the shoulder, neck and even hips. Such a problem can be resolved much faster with the help of these tables. 

Again, with golf as an example, physical exercise can cause alignment issues in the lumbar vertabrae, where many back pain problems emanate. As a popular form of therapy for back pain issues, a table is therefore an excellent way to deal with back pain that comes from doing physical activities that force the spine into unnatural postures. But some of these specialist needs require the use of the very best inversion table. 

Disc Rehydration

Engaging in physical exercises usually squeezes moisture out of the soft fluid-filled tissues between the spinal discs. Even something as mundane as sitting down and standing can cause a serious dehydration problem. However, when lying at an elevated angle on one of these tables, the compression pressure is released and the discs can absorb fluids again and become hydrated. In fact, this compression and dehydration is partly the reason people lose a few inches off their height throughout the day. 

Relief Joint Pressure 

The joints can experience quite a bit of pressure after say, high impact physical exertion. The problem is typically caused by contracted muscles. Therefore, hanging upside down on an inversion table can help the muscles regain their natural form so that they relieve the pressure and any pain that might have been causing pain to the joints. 

Stress Relief

Stress is sometimes accompanied by feelings of muscle fatigue, spasms, and some form of pain or another. In some of these cases, the strain is the result of overstimulated nerves, poor circulation of oxygenated blood, or poor lymphatic system action. An inversion table can relieve the pressure on the nervous system, and improve circulation in a way that promotes better toxin removal by the lymphatic system; all of which can help relieve stress. 


So no, inversion tables should not be used only to relieve back pain. As this article proves, the tables have other important roles to play besides providing back pain relieve. Truthfully, back pain relief remains to be the most common application of these devices. However, the tables can also be used to deal with physical health issues like relieving joint pressure, rehydrating and decompressing the soft tissue in the spinal column, realigning the body after protracted periods of imbalanced posture, and so forth. 

That said, even with this list of benefits, not all inversion tables are created equal. The greatest and most effective benefits can only be expected from the best inversion tables on the market. The inversion table needs to offer relief to your health issues without being a health hazard. Buyers should therefore ensure they get sturdy, and ergonomically constructed tables with enough adjustability options to offer them the physical relief they need.