Is freelance Writing a Good Career?


If you believe in statistics, the answer to the question is “Yes, freelance writing is a good career move”, especially if you want to earn good money sitting from your home. In the last few years, the freelance economy has seen an epic growth,  while another recent study reveals around 35% of the US workforce now consists of freelancers – mostly freelance writers.

It is a becoming a top option for many people because you can create your own schedule, and work according to your own liking. For example, you can become an essay writer, create your own blog, get work through online freelancing platforms, start your own affiliate marketing business, become a publisher, or simply start a content marketing business.

But why would you want to become a freelance writer?

The simple answer is, freelance writing is a smart move for people who don’t like the rigid work schedule and want more free time in their personal lives. In addition, you can earn a handsome amount of money as part-time as well as full-time writer.

How Much Can I Earn as a Freelance Writer?

According to the recent statistics, an average freelancer writer can easily earn USD 10,000 a year while working for only 10-20 hours a week. This means if you are new to writing, or working as just a part-time writer, you can easily make 10k a year.

On the other hand, the top-tier writers who work full-time as freelance writers usually earn around USD 40,000.

What are the Benefits?

Here are some key benefits most freelance writers mentioned during a recent survey.

  • Around 46% claim they prefer freelance writing because it allows them to work from home or a place of their own choice.
  • Around 20% claim setting up their own schedule is a top benefit.
  • Around 19% claim that choosing the projects that they want is also a great benefit.
  • Others claim that ability to earn money from different sources as a writer is also very motivating.

As there is a lot of demand for writers, with hundreds of thousands of new websites, publications, ebooks, and marketing content produced every week, you don’t have to look for work once you are ranked among the top-tier writers and have enough experience.

According to a recent survey, around 63% of writers claim they get new work through word-of-mouth and networking, and they don’t have to look for work online or offline.

This means, if you choose freelance writing as a career, with experience and quality work, you don’t have to worry about the workflow in just a couple of years.

Is Freelance Writing not Working for You?

If this is the case, you may be committing some common mistakes.

  • First, ask yourself, are you willing to work for too little? If yes, don’t do that. If you are skilled, there is a lot of work available and clients who are willing to pay higher price for quality work. Keep looking for the better clients and don’t settle for the less.
  • Many freelance writers often don’t know ways they can use to make good money. For example, if you are not satisfied with blog writing, why not try writing for essay writing services? Or write your own ebook and publish it on platforms like Amazon? Or start your own affiliate marketing website and write quality reviews. The point is, there are many ways to earn money as a writer. If one thing is not working for you, try another.
  • You are not putting effort for providing quality work. This is also a common mistake, as there is a lot of work available, many writers want to earn more in less time, often compromising quality. This may earn you some quick cash, but in a long run, it will hurt you if you want to build a career I freelance writing. There is a lot of work, but there is also a lot of competition as well.

All in all, freelance writing is a smart career move for many people who want to earn from their home, or want to work according to their own schedule. If you become an expert and experienced writer, you can earn much more than your expectations in a few years, but a lot depends on how you build your career.