The job is something all people need in order to survive, with no doubts. It might not be the most important thing, however it is crucial. There exist people who absolutely hate their job. On the other hand, there still exist people who love what they do, therefore they enjoy it.

The key is to find something you are passionate about and follow it. To work on something that satisfies you is to have a life filled with joy. It’s when you give your best and see most results. However, sometimes no matter how hard you try to fit in, there is something that stops you from improvement. Most often than not, that’s the employer.

According to the experts in human resources, the boss who doesn’t even pretend he cares for his employees is a bad boss. A bad boss is even worse leader. They believe that there are plenty of reasons why one decides to leave his job. Sometimes it could be the low salary, sometimes the bad schedule or even the co-workers. Factors like the location as well as the lack of interest could be a reason fair enough for someone to decide to leave.

However, the greatest reason why one decides to change job is absolutely the bad boss. A bad boss is not only the one who doesn’t give you your salary on time. What makes him bad is actually his attitude and behavior. The less he cares for his employees, the worse the conditions. The worse the conditions, the lower the productivity. Moreover, the atmosphere and the environment where one works at are of crucial importance not only for the job but for his health in general. At the end, a person who dislikes his job is an unhappy person.

Firstly, the people are more than open to face difficulties and find a solution for any kind of problem that might happen. Sometimes they can tolerate a delay of payment. If they don’t get on very well with some of the co-workers they can simply ignore them. They will rather spend quality time in travelling to their work place rather than not having one. However what they refuse to accept is to tolerate an unbearable boss.
Secondly, the fact that someone is constantly criticizing you lowers your productivity as well as your self-confidence. It affects your mood and your passion for what you are doing. More often than not an employee would accept a lower salary rather than a bad boss.

Thirdly, being under pressure and not having a healthy relationship with your boss is the key to failure. If you fear your boss rather than respect and admire him you already have the answer how long will you stay at that company. An employee often says he leaves the job mainly for the bad salary. This light lie only saves him a plenty of explanation and a fight with his boss. Therefore they prefer to tell a lie and change the job forever.
To sum um, this is the main reason why there are innumerous job positions taken by unhappy and unsatisfied employees. So in order to have prosperity with your business firstly make sure you are a good boss.