Italian cuisine is characterized with many extreme simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. The main ingredients in Italian cuisine are cheese and vine. Other characteristic of Italian cuisine is its regional diversity. It means, the recipes for preparing food are different in a different part of Italy. Significant changes in Italian cuisine are made in 18 century with the introduction of items such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and maize. Now these items are central of the cuisine. Maybe you already know more popular Italian food specialties, like pizza, pasta, risotto. And if you are Italian cuisine lover learn more about Italian food and cuisine. Learn which are most popular Italian traditional recipes and how to prepare them. Just look below. There follow list of Italian cuisine: traditional Italian recipes. Just make and eat that what you want. Bon Appetite!!
Grandma Ganaco’s Beef Braciole
Smoked Chicken and Grape Bruschetta