Landing a Job in the Home Decor Field


Do you ever wonder if there are enough home decor jobs available in the current economy? It’s no secret that inflation is running wild, mortgage rates are rising, and many employment markets are suffering from low employment. So, it’s understandable that anyone interested in residential and commercial interior decorating would be concerned about the state of affairs in their chosen profession. The good news is that home decor is a relatively recession-proof field because even when homes become unaffordable, many owners choose to renovate and transform the ones they already live in instead of buying new ones. 

What’s the best way to land a position in a competitive employment environment? In addition to acquiring uncompensated experience, some prospective decorators earn college degrees in interior design subjects. Whether you choose to attend a formal degree program or not, it’s imperative to assemble a portfolio of all your work, develop a one-page written resume, network with real estate agencies, and consider the prospect of starting your own home decor business. Here are some of the critical steps for finding the position you desire.

Get the Right Degree

For some, earning a college degree is the preferred way to move forward in any career field. If you’re an artistic person with an affinity for home style and design, speak with an academic advisor about the most relevant majors and subjects that can enhance your career possibilities. Nowadays, most state and private schools offer design-related majors within art departments. But getting a degree and paying for it are two very different pursuits.

In the majority of situations, people discover that student loans are the perfect way to cover all the expenses associated with a formal degree program. These bills include some pretty large categories, like tuition, fees, textbooks, and more. Unless you’re among the tiny minority of those who can pay for college with savings, consider applying for a student loan online, and dealing with the financial aspect of college before coursework begins.

Get Unpaid Experience

Use your imagination to get as much unpaid job experience as possible. Tell friends and acquaintances that you’re studying to become an interior design expert and can do a certain number of pro bono projects on a first-come, first-served basis. You might be surprised at how many people take you up on your offer. When that happens, be certain to document all the work with high-quality before-and-after images and get a written contract from the people for whom you do the work. Make it clear to them that your referral and recommendation can help you secure paid work and get into a college program when the time comes.

Connecting with Real Estate Agencies

In creative career fields, networking is one of the most powerful tools you have to acquire more clients and earn more work. You should begin forming a professional network immediately. Eventually, after you have a basic portfolio in place, contact local real estate agents, and offer your services to them. Making a connection with one or more busy real estate pros can fast track your career and help build a pipeline for new customers. You will also be able to return the favor. When clients enlist your services, you can guide them towards hiring the right real estate agent for their future home search because you will have an honest and established rapport already in place with one or more agents.