Hey there my dear readers! Many people thinks that graffiti is an act of vandalism, not a creative art expressed by the young people! I bet that you have never thought that graffiti can be made without using a spray. I wanted to broaden your knowledge, so I made you a very interesting post that will change your views about graffiti. My post for today, is called “Learn How to Add Moss Graffiti to the Dull Backyard Walls”. Are you excited?
Some of the projects have been carved from masses of most, while some prefer to create their own mossy paste and paint onto the walls indoor and outdoor and that paste will slowly grow and blossom. Let’s take a look at the projects already made and draw some inspiration to enhance our gardens and backyards. I recommend you not to skip this post because I will also have a clever guide that will teach you how to create your very own moss graffiti. Enjoy and have fun!


Forget the spray, moss is far more beautiful and will add a fresh and airy touches to any space. You can express your green view for all to see, by writing any quote you want or drawing any animal on the walls of your house, mountain cabin or restaurant and office. Literally you can green any wall of your home, create images and whimsically shaped words out of live moss. This urban architecture trend is the hottest nowadays, so I recommend you to try it out.
These moss designs requires no fertilizers nor even watering, which makes them perfect decor for any yard. They are often seen on old buildings, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t fit to you new home. With living moss graffiti, you can express your political opinions. rant on life or love. Plus, you don’t need to be limited to walls, but decorate the footpaths too.


I have read that moss thrives in sheltered, moist and shady areas and that likes filtered light such as the late afternoon or morning sun and that falling though tree branches. To make one of these projects you will need to collect moss from already established patch or just buy it for a specialized garden center and take it into your kitchen. You will also need one can of beer, 1/2 teaspoon sugar and of course several clumps of garden moss. For the process you will need recycled plastic container with lid, blender, paintbrush and stencil.
You just need to crumble the moss into the blender and add the beer and sugar to create a creamy, smooth consistency. Then put the mixture into a plastic container and start painting the wall you want to enhance, using the stencil or either free-hand. Soon the bits of blended moss will begin to grow. You may need to trim it once it grows out of your design area.

Tips About Moss You Should Definitely Know:
- It grows best on bricks or other stones with porous surfaces;
- Lime juice kills the moss, so that if you want to get rid of the moss graffiti or some part of it, you just need to spray it;
- Spring and fall are the best seasons for planting moss;
- You should start your project above ground lever or it will just get eaten by slugs;
- You can also use condensed milk in place of buttermilk or milk;
- The paint need to be applied in a moist of area that receives a moderate amount of sunlight;
- Moss graffiti can be used as a decor in your interior too.

What do you think about these moss ideas? Do you find them interesting and fun? Would you like to have such graffiti in your yard? I would love to know you opinion, so please share your comments below. Thank you for reading! Enjoy in the rest of your day and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer!