Low-Budget Blog Ideas


One of the least expensive businesses you can start today is an ad-supported blog. It is not just inexpensive. But in relative terms, it is very easy to do. Why stop there when we can go for the hat trick? Not only is it inexpensive and easy, but it takes almost no time. You can get one up and running today.

All that being the case, what’s stopping everyone from opening their own blog? Considering how easy they are to create, it is somewhat surprising that there aren’t more than the roughly 160 million some estimates suggest. And that includes all the dead and inactive blogs that are just taking up space.

While starting a blog is simple, doing it well enough for an income is rather more difficult, and more expensive. For instance, if you do a travel blog (a very popular choice), you actually have to do some traveling. That is one of the most expensive things you can do. Here are a few ideas for low-budget blogs you can start today:

Entertainment Review Blog

You already have a TV, and maybe even watch a little too much of it. Why not turn that into a blog where you can talk about all the great shows you already watch every day?

DIRECTV here in the States is the leading satellite provider. As such, it is a great option for keeping up with those shows you already love, plus finding all the new shows that people will want to know about.

Not only will you want to have a service that provides you with all the viewing options at a low price, you want to get your channels in the highest definition possible so that you never miss any of the details.

You will also want to add services like HBO and Showtime so that you catch all the most recent movies without breaking the bank at the theater. Don’t fret. It’s for work after all. Who knew that watching TV could become a part time job? Now you do.

Offer Your Expertise as a Service

Now that you know how to start a blog, it’s time to move on to finding a theme that makes budget sense. One of the easiest and most profitable things you can do is use your own expertise to create both a successful blog and consulting business.

It mostly doesn’t matter what your expertise happens to be. If you are an electrician, you can blog about the various projects people can do themselves about the house. When they need to do something a little bigger, or bite off more than they can chew in the DYI department, you can be there to offer your services for a fee.

For those outside your local market, your blog can have an option for paid, online support. Even doctors are seeing patients online. If you find that you have enough expertise that people are always trying to get you to help them for free, you probably have enough to start a profitable blog.

Blog Your Opinion

Everyone has an opinion. Both the best and worst thing about opinions is that they are free. They cost zero dollars. And even at that, most of them are overpriced.

That said, opinion blogging is very popular. And if you happen to have an informed opinion on a hot-button topic, you have the makings of a very successful blog.

We say that politics and religion are two subjects that should never be discussed. But for taboo subjects, the web is powered by them. Add entertainers and tech fandom to the list, and you have the makings of something big.

The hardest part about an opinion blog is not starting it, but controlling it. One of the reasons no one wants to buy twitter is due to its toxic comment culture. You will need a strategy to avoid the Twitter problem that comes with providing an open mic for strong opinions.

There are many good reasons not to start your own blog. But money is not one of them. Round up your entertainment news, your expertise, and your opinions. And get blogging.