Creating an inviting guest room does not have to be inconvenient for you and your family, but it does need to take into consideration what the purpose of the room is. You may want to give it a different style than the rest of the house, and that is okay. Here is some advice from BetterCleans to make that room inviting for guests regardless of the style you choose.

Consider the Purpose
Think about what you want to do with the space. If it is a guest bedroom, it should be for guests alone. Making your guest bedroom into an office, storage space, and bedroom makes your guest feel like an afterthought. Rather than making it a multipurpose space, be sure that it is only used for guests. Some storage in the closet may be okay, but if they feel that they are cramped, they will not feel welcomed.
Minimal Décor
While you can explore your style with the guest bedroom, having too much furniture, too many decorations, or too busy, guests may feel uncomfortable. Rooms with lots of knickknacks or pictures can make the room feel overwhelming. Fragile décor can also make your guests feel that they have to tiptoe or be extra careful instead of at home.
Keep It Clean
While you may keep the room tidy, it can be easy to forget to dust, vacuum, and change linens in a room that is rarely used. Be sure that you keep the room clean and free of dust, dirt, and grime. Change the sheets often, even if they do not get used. Fresh sheets can make all the difference in the world for an overnight guest. If you have an unexpected overnight guest, you will not have to worry about finding clean linens, dusting, or getting the space ready. Even if you clean it less often than other rooms, you can add it to the schedule often.
Functional Spaces
Make sure that your guest room has the amenities that they need. Searching for towels, a space to write or send emails, or read is not fun. While this is not a hotel space, your guests should be able to take care of the things that they need while in your home. Sometimes communication requires privacy, and you can provide them a quiet space to do this. A small table or desk in a corner with a comfortable chair can make your guest feel that his or her needs are a priority.
Reading Material
Make sure that there are a variety of books and magazines for your guests to read. You might find an unexpected overnight guest likes to read in bed at night. Providing some unique light reading material can make your guests feel more relaxed in a foreign space. It is hard to relax away from home, no matter how inviting the space, so the little things might help them to relax a little more. Magazines or books of short stories can keep your guests from feeling they need to be invested.
Emergency Provisions
Make sure that you have a few travel-sized toiletries available for guests who may have forgotten them. This can also help when your guest was not planning to stay. Sudden bad weather or late visits can mean that you occasionally have a guest who is unprepared to stay. Having a few emergency provisions means that your guest does not feel like an imposition. Travel size toiletries and even a spare set of pajamas in various sizes can be invaluable to a guest.
Invest in Luxury
Give your guests a luxury place to sleep. You do not have to invest in expensive linens, but paying more for soft sheets, warm blankets, and comfortable pillows can make a guest feel comfortable and rested. One of the best ways to make a guest feel welcome is to make them feel snug. A lumpy mattress, scratchy linens, dingy curtains, and old (not antique) comforters make for an uncomfortable night. In addition to comfortable sleeping spaces, consider a nice chair for sitting if they are not ready for bed when everyone else is.
Cheat Sheets
For out of town guests, provide them with a cheat sheet of the city or surrounding area, including directions to nearby restaurants, shopping, and recreation. If your guest will be staying a while, they may want to spend time exploring without you. This will help them get started. Also, consider making a list of nearby emergency services such as urgent care or hospitals. Wi-Fi passwords and other in-home information can also be invaluable. Your guests do not want to have to ask every time they need something small. Consider having water or snacks available if your guests are planned. This way, they do not have to dig for something if they want something to eat between meals.
Finally, be courteous to your guests when they do need something. One of the fastest ways to make someone feel uncomfortable is to make them feel like they are an inconvenience. Offering the above amenities can make them feel that they are welcomed, but if your attitude presents another scenario, nothing you provide will be enough. Make guests feel welcomed by asking if they need anything else and if they know where to find everything. There’s nothing worse to a guest than trying to find the bathroom at 2 am after the homeowners have gone to sleep. Likewise, if they can find the bathroom, but there is no toilet tissue, soap, or towels, they may feel that their presence was not considered. Put yourself in your guests’ shoes. What would you want to know or have?