Mesmerizing Tulip Flower Beds That Will Fascinate You


If you cannot decide on what type of flowers to plant in your garden, then go for some tulips. Tulips can definitely add a splash of color to your outdoors and there are many possible ways to plant them. And the tulip flower beds that you will see today are definitely some of the best ideas to get inspired from.

Tulips look great in mass plantings instead of having single bulbs scattered throughout the yard. So, if you plan on planting some, go for 5 to 10 bulbs per square foot. Or if you want to make them look fuller, dig a bigger hole and plant a bunch of bulbs in it at once. Set them about four inches apart, cover them with soil and water. The original species of tulips have a limited color range of mostly reds and yellow, but you can also find them in all pastel shades. Their colors can provide you with a wide pallet of colors for painting your garden with. And the following ideas will definitely draw a lot of attention. Let’s check them out!

SEE ALSO: Adorable DIY Tulip Decorations For Your Home

Mesmerizing Tulip Flower Beds

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Tulip flower beds can be quite versatile. And as we have already said tulips look better in mass plantings. You can be even more creative and plant them in some pots that you will actually place in the ground. Arrange pebbles around them to make this flower bed look even more amazing.

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You can even plant tulips around the trees in your yard. Make sure to trim away few of the lower branches to allow light to come under the tree. This will definitely make your tulips grow well and will make your yard look more magical. Choose to plant different types of tulips or maybe stick to one colored to match them with the tree blooming flowers. You can also check out flower bulbs online to see all the different varieties to pair with tulips.

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So, would you choose to plant some tulips to beautify your yard too? Tell us in the comments and also let us know which one from the above tulip flower beds did you like the best. And of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other amazing ideas for you garden.