What You Need to Know Before You Launch a Career in Fashion


Whether you want to become a personal stylist or even a fashion photographer, your journey up the fashion career ladder is going to be a tough one. You many think that a career in fashion is going to be a glamorous one, many of us think of champagne lunches and playing dress up, but the reality of working in the fashion industry is very different. If you’re set on a career in this cutthroat industry, keep reading as we discuss five things you need to know before you launch a career in fashion.

  • You will have to fit into other people’s work schedules

Fashion is a worldwide business and so you need to be prepared to be working in multiple timezones at all times. Many clients may be based in different countries, sometimes on the other side of the world so know that your work deadlines could be at unreasonable hours. You must also be prepared to travel to different locations at the drop of a hat, traveling to different cities or even other parts of the world is one of the many benefits of a career in fashion but it can also be time consuming and expensive. A career in fashion can be one of the most demanding professions so you need to ensure it is something you are serious about. If you truly love your job then all of the travelling and sleepless nights will be totally worth it and not feel like work at all.

  1. Working your way up will take longer than expected

If you are aiming for a career in fashion you must be prepared to put in the hours and work your way up. Many of the most successful designers, stylists, models or photographers will have started their careers in unpaid positions just to get their hard worked noticed and no doubt you will be required to do the same. If you can get yourself an unpaid apprenticeship or even a low paid junior position you must make the most of your situation and put in 100% effort in order to gain a good reputation. You may also want to consider formal education to not only grow your skills and knowledge but to start building your network and hands-on experience as well. Just ensure that you remember all of this hard work will eventually pay off. Pursuing a degree in fashion merchandising, for example, would equip you to build a successful career as a fashion buyer or director versus a fashion stylist.

  1. Be respectful to your peers

Gaining a job in the fashion industry is all about networking, so it is essential that you remain respectful to everyone you meet along the way. You never know when they may come in handy.

  1. Persistence pays off

You need to make sure that you are doing everything possible to get yourself out there, this means calling agencies, emailing your resume to possible employers, sending out your portfolio and not being afraid to follow up on telephone calls and emails. The people who you are trying to contact were once in your position and so are looking for people who have the same determination that they once did when they first started out.

  1. Don’t take feedback personally

Fashion has a reputation for being a cut throat industry that doesn’t suffer fools gladly so you will need to grow a thick skin. There will be many times in which your work does not provide the feedback you were expecting and you will also be surprised at how brutally honest some people may be towards your work. Just remember to take something positive away from all the feedback you receive and use it to improve your work. Don’t take negative feedback personally, remain professional and ensure you learn, grow and develop from each and every experience.

Hopefully the above will prepare you for your first steps into the exciting world that is the fashion industry. The main thing to remember is that all of your hard work and determination will one day pay off and you will hopefully get the job of your dreams.