Parents Guide – Cleaning and Organizing Your Child’s Room


The majority of kids all around the world are all famous for their tendency to create messes and doing things the wrong way. These little creatures sometimes do so amazing and shocking things, that you somehow find yourself between the desire to punish them or shake their hand for the imagination they showed. It doesn’t matter if your kid is six years old or a teenager, all age groups are known for their messes and the lack of desire to clean and organise their own rooms. You can either try and teach them how to properly do it, but they can be quite stubborn and you might end up doing the cleaning and organising procedures on your own. In case you are in the last group of parents – those who have to deal with everything alone, don’t be sad or disappointed, because you are definitely not the only one. This is the precise reason, why we wanted to give you some basic guidelines and tips on how to clean and organise your kids room.


First of all, you need to realise and accept the idea of taking care of your child’s room. Whether they are still young or already teenagers, they will always be that small child you held for years. But when kids grow up, they become more expressive and show character in all of their actions. This sometimes can lead to the lack of desire to take care of their own space, so you can either have endless discussions or simply do it yourself. The earlier you accept this, the easier you will do it, besides, when doing it regularly you will not even notice it.

Have a plan

You have to be always aware of the cleaning routines which need to be done around the house. Just like you regularly clean the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms, you simply include the procedures in your kid’s room as well. Nothing different should be done if they are older, but attention must be payed with younger kids, as they can be affected by dirty surfaces easier than older ones. The older your kid is, the less cleaning and organising you will have to do. But you need a plan for everything, even if not written in the weekly schedule, a plan is a plan and must be followed.

Baby steps

The first months of your child in this world are essential for every family member. The child must be watched all the time and the surfaces must be more than just wiped. When babies are around, you should be prepared for unexpected vomit or other inconveniences all the time. Having wet wipes and dry cloths in every room is necessary if you want to quickly solve these problems. In the baby’s room, you need to have all the equipment a baby needs, plus wet wipes, disinfectant and all baby items, on easily accessible places. The window in the room should be opened every day to let the fresh air come in. sheets must be changed every week at least, or even more often if they are covered in surprises. The good thing, however, of your baby child is that they cannot go everywhere and make messes. The biggest troubles they make are quite innocent and easy to forgive, because they are simply unaware of what is really happening around them.

First conscious years

Time will pass and you will not even notice when your kid is already three years old. The problem with three year olds is that they can understand a big part of what you want to tell them and what you require of them, but they start showing temperament and refuse to do some things. If you want to avoid cluttered with toys surfaces then sit down with your kid and explain them that every toy has a home and it should be taken home when they’re not playing with it. Use transparent containers and boxes to put toys away. Do it regularly and have your child help you with this task. Three-year-olds can be quite messy as well, just like older kids, so you need to be always aware of where they are and what are they doing. Forget about leaving knives and forks on the kitchen table; expensive interior items on easily accessible surfaces; tenancy cleaners products around the house; basically think about every single item or object you leave unsupervised and in what consequences this might result.

Teenagers’ temperament

The thing about teenagers is not that they cannot clean and organise, but they often just don’t want to. This is one of the most common reason for disagreements in families and can sometimes lead to tension and serious problems between kids and parents. If you’ve tried to teach your teenage boy to organise their closet, but they consistently refuse, then you should just let go and do it yourself. Men have a tendency to not take care of their personal space, it’s simply in their nature. Not that there aren’t any organised man, but this species is quite small in numbers and often really hard to be found. As for teenager girls – they have a bit of an attitude, and if you don’t want any fights and late-night discussions, simply leave them do whatever they want and clean when you can.

Cleaning and organising steps:

As we already mentioned, due to various reasons you might be the one responsible for the cleaning and organising of your child’s room. We want to help you do everything right, so here are our basic tips on cleaning and organising in less time and more efficiently:

  • Store toys of younger kids in containers or boxes and dedicate 5 minutes every evening to put everything in its rightful place.
  • Take care of laundry every day to avoid cluttered surfaces.
  • Regularly open the windows in all rooms.
  • Preferably use nature-friendly cleaning products, but keep them away from your kids.
  • Declutter surfaces before you start cleaning.
  • When cleaning always start from the highest parts of any room until you reach the floors. Finally –vacuum carpets and mop floors.
  • Change bed sheets every week and vacuum carpets once a week.
  • Launder pillows, blankets and cushions every three to four months.
  • Deep clean mattresses two or three times a year and when you’ve cleaned them flip them
  • Organise the room according to your child’s preferences, so they can easily find their toys and older children – their clothes.
  • Re-organise closets when seasons change and if necessary store out-of-the-season clothes in
    boxes or containers somewhere outside the closet, if you don’t have enough space.
  • Keep a plant in every room and take care for it.
  • Don’t forget to clean window ledges, skirting boards, window and mirror frames (every few months).
  • Wipe and disinfect doorknobs, handles, light switches, taps, remote controls and other often touched objects/places. These tend to accumulate the highest quantities of microbes and germs.
  • Clean spills right away and don’t allow them to create stains on carpets or help mold growing on surfaces.
  • If you experience any difficulties with the cleaning activities or your organizing skills are not the best, make a checklist of every routine.
  • Remember that certain activities can be done once a month, so don’t bother doing them every week. Your routines must be daily, weekly, monthly, every 3-4 months, once a year. According to your needs and preferences order the activities in the respective category.

Remember, that if you cannot manage with everything, you can always ask for help. Having
professional cleaning services delivered at home is nothing to be ashamed of and nobody will dare judge