Preparing Your Garden for Summer


When it comes to summer everybody instantly begins to think about their summer bodies, healthier eating and spring cleaning, but one thing that is often overlooked is the garden. The transition between Spring and Summer is when your garden requires some TLC the most, as the winter months are gone but can often leave behind a little disarray. All it takes is a little touch up here and there and some attention to detail and your garden will be ready to take whatever summer may throw at it!


First things first, get your gardening gloves on and give your garden a good tidy up. Simple changes will make a surprisingly large impact on your gardens overall look, such as cutting back any stray branches or removing any unwanted weeds. Pull out any dead plants that are making the rest of the flower bed look dull and lifeless, and remove any leafs that may be littered around making the area look messy and untidy. Once you’ve made smaller changes like these, you can focus on the larger parts of the garden. Cutting your grass is a key element in making your garden look fresh and summer ready, as it’s one of the main features that draws the gardens overall look together. When mowing or cutting your grass, be careful not to cut the grass too short, as this can actually make the area look lifeless and won’t have the kind of appeal you wish it too. Leaving a little length to the lawn will simply keep the fresh green colour and look soft and healthy. If you feel that your garden looks slightly dull or simply doesn’t stand out as much as you want it too, you may want to consider adding some fresh, brightly coloured flowers to your flower beds or placing them around the outskirts of your garden. By incorporating colourful plants you’re able to add character and life to the garden, whilst still keeping it stylish and neat. Some beautiful flowers to consider, for colour as well as beauty, are flowers such as Hydrangea, Lavender, Roses, Pansies and Daffodils and they are sure to add a gorgeous touch to your gardens overall style.


Another feature of many gardens that can have a large impact when not clean or fresh is timber. Whether you have decking, fencing or simply raised flower beds with wooden panelling you can make such a large difference to your gardens look by giving these items a quick clean. Usually you can just give these items a quick pressure wash or clean with a sponge however, after the winter has been and gone it’s usually best to give these items a deep clean, then from that point you will find the wooden surfaces easier to clean as you go through summer. When reviving your fencing or decking in particular, giving them a quick clean is key. You may find that they have lost colour and if this is the case, giving them a quick re-stain will make a huge difference. Not only will staining the fencing or decking help with how long the wood lasts, it will also add a new burst of colour that will lift the area and add a fresh look to your garden. Many people forget about wooden features when it comes to cleaning, however keeping on top of cleaning them will maintain their life and quality, which is key in creating a great overall look. Similarly, if you have garden furnishing that are made of wood, tables and chairs, you may want to consider following a similar approach with those. Cleaning them up and potentially staining or re-painting them will make them look brand new and fresh.


If you use your garage or a shed for storage, now is certainly the time to take a good look and see what will be needed for the summer months ahead. Spring cleaning your garage or shed is a great way of getting rid of any unwanted, worn items and potentially gives you the chance to replace them with new items. You can also gain a better understanding of exactly what you have, as it can be so easy to put things away and completely forget about them until the time comes to use them again. If you give your storage space a good clear out, then you can also see what requires a good clean or freshen up. Dusting off your garden furniture after a long period of wintery months is such a good feeling, you can almost smell the fresh cut grass and flowery atmosphere! But it’s important to give everything a good clean, that way when it comes to entertaining or throwing a BBQ last minute you have everything ready to grab from where it’s stored and put it to good use.


The beauty of reviving your garden for summer is the feelings you get from doing it. There’s really no better way to get into the summery spirit than to prepare your garden and reminisce all the fab memories you made last summer. Now your garden is ready for long afternoons of sunbathing and exciting evenings of socialising and barbequed food, you can begin to plan all of the exciting things you want to get done throughout the summer starting with getting yourself a nice tan!