Protecting Your Home on a Budget


You can spend a lot of money and time in creating a nice home. But, can you protect your home from intruders without it breaking the bank? You can, and it might actually be a bit easier than you might think.

The best types of home security will involve multiple types of deterrents that will dissuade thieves and opportunists from turning your home into a target. Never mind what you might see on TV, the fact is that most of the time, homes are broken into during the daylight hours when people are at work. The thing is, burglars generally don’t want to have to confront anyone and if there are signs that the home is occupied, they typically disappear. Burglars just want to grab your stuff so that they can sell it. They are aware that if someone is in the home at the time of the robbery, the classification of the crime changes.

Here is a quick look at some of the ways that you can make sure that your home is protected even when you are on a budget.


It doesn’t matter if you just want to protect your home or if you have other small buildings like garages and or sheds that you need to protect, consider deterring break-ins through security cameras. These days, it seems like there are cameras everywhere we look. They are small and easily hidden. They can also be difficult to detect and many of them work with motion sensors. There aren’t too many criminals who want to be caught on camera, so they can be a great theft deterrent for any home.


Shutters are for more than just keeping out the light. In fact, security shutters are becoming more and more popular with hoe owners who want to make sure that their assets are protected. These shutters come in many different forms. You can choose from shutters on rollers, window grilles, or other types of metal security grilles to enhance the security of your home. You just need to make sure that they can be installed without taking away from the great look of the property.

One-Way Glass

This is quite inexpensive and is also something that you don’t see too much. You can use one-way glass for your windows so that you can see out but nobody can see in to tell what valuables you might have in your home. You can also use it inside your home to be prepared for when a burglar does break in. Just install the glass in a frame for a mirror and then cut a hole out of the wall behind it. This will allow you to be in the wall observing anyone who manages to break in, while they will never know that you are there.


One of the most effective ways to protect your home is to use common sense. Make sure that all of your doors and windows are closed when you leave your home. This includes the garage door. If a thief is passing your home and sees a bike or some expensive tools in your open garage, they will come right in and take what they want.

If you are leaving on a trip, don’t leave the trunk of your car open and filled with your suitcases. Gather all of the stuff you are taking inside and then load everything at one time. Be sure to close the trunk as soon as it has been loaded. Also, you should cancel any newspaper deliveries and put a hold on your mail at the post office. You can also put your lights on timers so that it will appear as if your home is still occupied.


Your neighbors can actually be some of the best security for your home. This is especially true if you have a nosy next door neighbor. Make sure that you let your neighbors know that you are going to be out of town or away from home. They can keep a weather eye on your home and can even call the police if they happen to see anyone they feel is suspicious. You might also consider using social networks such as This type of network virtually connects neighbors and promotes online discussions about home safety.