Quick And Easy Ways To Repurpose Mason Jar Lids


Hey there Top Dreamers! The photos that I have collected for you are going to inspire you to get down to work and recreate some of the designs as soon as possible. I bet that all of you have mason jars at home and you have probably mismatched the lids and the jars. If you have some lids left without a matching jar, the designs below are going to be of your interest for sure. Scroll down through the photos and see the Quick And Easy Ways To Repurpose Mason Jar Lids. The lids can be put to numerous functional uses and you haven’t maybe even thought about them. You are going to be surprised from the array of possibilities, so check them all out and see which DIY project will work best for you!

If you find quotes really inspiring and you wish to make them part from your living space, I have a wonderful idea for you that will help you display them in an amazing fashion. Write your favorite quotes on a piece of wood, cut it in a circle in the size of the lid and glue it to the lid. As easy as a pie!

Image via beneathmyheart.net

People love to store things in boxes, so if you also use boxes storage, you definitely need these chalkboard lid tags that will label the things that are stored in there.

Image via blissfullyeverafter.net

Why don’t you use the lids as photo frames and turn them into some astonishing fridge magnets? Do this craft and have your photos displayed in a unique and creative way.

Image via makespace.com

Surprise your significant others, paint the lids with a chalkboard paint and leave them some love notes that will remind them how much you love them.

Image via craftaholicsanonymous.net
Image via mom4real.com
Image via allsortsofpretty.com

If you want to fry the eggs in the shape of a perfect circle, use the lids and see the final result. I’m sure that everyone will ask you how did you do it!

Image via metdaan.com

Use lace to decorate the lids and create some cute and adorable candle holders.

Image via craftingagreenworld.com

Christmas time is far behind us, but we can always benefit from some great ideas and save them for the times when we will need them. There are millions of ways in which you can repurpose the lids for Christmas and New Year. You can make some outstanding wreaths and tree ornaments, and I assure you that everyone is going to be fascinated with the designs.

Image via premeditatedleftovers.com
Image via somethingsouthern.net
Image via hoosierhomemade.com
Image via countryliving.com
Image via kristendukephotography.com

Do you need a wind chime to embellish your yard or balcony? If yes, use the mason jar lids and make your own one in no time and for little money. What do you think about the idea?

Image via care2.com

Have you already picked your next DIY project? How are you going to repurpose the lids? Let me know in the comments below!