Simple Essay Writing Tips for Busy College Students 


Writing an academic paper for college can be frustrating, especially if you are still improving your writing skills. College-level essays require extensive research and should be based on careful analysis of credible evidence in the field. Of course, writers are expected to present their views on a topic and provide balanced and rational arguments. 

However, this must be done in the context of established knowledge, theories, and evidence in the respective field. Instructors issue college essays to test students’ ability to reason and use relevant principles and information to support ideas. This article summarizes steps you can follow to end up with a spectacular academic essay for college.

  • Read and Reread Instructions 

The best way to start working on your essay for college is to understand what the professor is requesting you to accomplish. Of course, each assignment comes with a unique set of instructions designed to test learners’ understanding of specific concepts and gauge their ability to create readable content. 

Before beginning your work, spend some time reviewing what the professor expects. Read through the essay prompt several times highlight essential words and instructions. If you are unsure how to handle your assignment, read through same day essay reviews to find the best writers in the industry. 

  • Brainstorm for Ideas 

One of the most critical stages in academic writing is brainstorming. This is the process of coming up with ideas for academic papers. You then write down everything that comes to mind regarding the subject. 

The ideas you create during the brainstorming session can be analyzed further to generate an outline. Brainstorming is particularly ideal for students struggling with writer’s block. You may consider some preliminary research to jog your memory. 

  • Choose an Interesting Topic 

Topic selection is a crucial step in the essay writing process. Experts understand that the topics selected determine the degree and depth of analysis. In isolated cases, professors make students’ work more accessible by assigning specific topics. However, most instructors allow their students the room to pick subject areas on their own as long as they follow specific guidelines. 

The best topics are specific and exciting. Choose something you find interesting while also considering the views of your audience. Refer to the assignment prompt, making sure that your paper covers the specific questions indicated in the instructions.

  • Create a Thesis Statement 

Thesis statements are essential in academic writing as they guide the data collection and analysis processes. In essence, the thesis is a short and precise response to an essay question. Once you have written your paper, the thesis statement will help direct your audience to understand the core message in your text. 

So, at what point does one create a thesis statement? When to come up with this critical component of your paper will depend on your assignment. It helps to conduct some preliminary research before the thesis can emerge.

In other words, the thesis is the middle point between the prewriting and writing stages. This central idea for your work is your working thesis. It may change as you continue with the research. 

  • Create an Outline 

Outlining is the next important step in academic essay writing. It is the process of coming up with the different sections and subsections of your paper. Creating an outline saves you time and ensures that you cover all essential elements of your research question. The outline also gives your paper coherence and logical flow. Use the ideas you created during the brainstorming session to organize your points. 

  • Research Widely 

If you have a thesis statement and an outline, the research process will be simple. Of course, professors encourage students to write original papers and present unique points. However, academic writing at the college level requires credible evidence and examples to support points made in the text. 

Consult several materials, including peer-reviewed articles, books, and government publications. Analyze the sources for the credibility of your sources before you include information in your paper. Remember, you will need to cite all your sources, meaning that you need to record bibliographic information as you continue with your research. If you need help, check out for details on where to find the best writers. 

  • Start Writing Early 

Although it is essential to prepare for your paper, set aside enough time to allow writing and editing. Use the outline to structure your text, ensuring logical flow between the sections and paragraphs. Remember, you will need to create multiple drafts, meaning that the initial copy is not perfect. Revise your paper several times to eliminate typos, grammar, and formatting errors. 

This article simplifies how to create a college-level essay that will impress your professor. Plan well and focus on delivering unique and coherent content. Most importantly, follow your instructor’s requirements and ensure to edit and proofread your paper.