Storing Patio Furniture for the Winter


Written by: Wicker Paradise

Summary: Wicker furniture requires some care to make it last, but the effort is worth the payoff.

Leave a wicker sofa in the rain, and you’re not likely to see the effects today. Do it every winter for years at a time and you’ll begin to see the wear in your cushions and the weaving itself. Wicker furniture is built well for all-weather use, but that does not absolve you of the basic care you need to keep it lasting for years to come. Here are some tips for storing your furniture for the winter, so that you can have like-new pieces when summertime rolls around.

Clean the Piece

Before you store your outdoor wicker furniture, you should give the furniture a good wipe down with a rag or a microfiber cloth. Clear out any dust or spider webs that may have collected on the furniture itself. A moist cloth is also good, but you don’t want to over use the wet cloth method as it can damage the furniture long term. Twice a year is typically ok.

Storage Tips

Once the furniture is clean, you should look into where you plan to store your pieces. Small sets might easily fit into an attic or basement. Outdoor wicker patio furniture like sofas and loveseats may require a storage shed to fit. Wicker pieces are light, so you should be able to stack them atop each other relatively easily. Make sure that you pad each piece before you stack, as you don’t want to scratch your furniture.

When summer comes around, simply move your pieces back into position and enjoy the sunny days!