Straight Hair With No Heat: Is It Possible?


Do you want to give up the heat in the process of styling your hair? Too much heat can make your hair dry and vulnerable, so it is better to avoid it. Don’t worry that you will have a bad hair day if you simply don’t use heat for styling. There are so many ways to do it, so it is up to you to find the most convenient method for you. We will share a few helpful tips for Straight Hair With No Heat with you, so make sure that you don’t miss this post!

See also:Greasy Hair Hacks That Actually Work



Hair wrapping

If you weren’t familiar with hair wrapping, you have missed a lot. The simple method includes wrapping the hair around your head and secures it with bobby pins. It will smoothen out your hair during sleep, so you will wake up to a spotless hairstyle. You can check some video tutorials for full instructions. There are  proper methods for different hair types and lengths, so you can find the one that works for you.


Use proper products

Next time when you check the store, make sure that you check those hair products. Find the ones that are meant to straighten your hair and keep it fuzz-free. Look for hair sprays that are meant to keep your hair straight without blow-drying. Also, check for smoothing serums.



If you wrap your hair around those large rollers, you will wake up to smooth and slightly wavy hair. Start with slightly damp hair and roll large strands of hair around the roller. Use a wide roller to get nice waves.


Use hydrating products

Don’t forget that well-moisturized hair is easier to maintain than dry and damaged hair. That’s why you need to include some good products in your routine. Use a mask once a week or conditioners to make sure that your hair stays hydrated. if you don’t have the time to wait for them to be absorbed, then go for leave-in products. Usually, they should be applied on wet hair without rinsing. Stick with them if it is a lot easier for your routine.
