Tag: culture

What does the British culture teach the world

The British culture is quite surprising for the foreigners. Even though the majority of the non-British consider them to be a cold nation, there is so much to be learned from them....

Why is Seville the most beloved city in Spain

The Spanish culture has always been one of the leading ones not only in Europe, but in the whole world in general. Each year the number of tourists visiting this country constantly...

What are the disadvantages of living abroad

Starting a life in a brand new country with a culture that's completely different from the one you have grown up with can be the best experience ever. It can teach you...

Why is Seville the most typical Spanish city

When you think about Spain and the countrie's trademarks, probably the first thing that pops up to your mind is flamenco, sangria, sea food, fast and barely understandable Spanish accent and warm...

The most unusual traditions in the world

Everyone at least once in his lifetime experiences a cultural shock. It happens to the ones who travel a lot more often than to any other people. However, the difference in culture...