Tag: diy plastic bottle
Genius DIY Plastic Bottle Hacks You Wish You Have Known Before
Did you know that you can do lots of things with used plastic bottles? Instead of throwing them, you can create some useful items for your home. Bottles can be a solution...
You Got To Try These Plastic Bottle Hacks Before You Trash One More
Hey there my top dreamers! How are you? I love creating my own projects at home and I need to recognize that I'm very happy when I transform an old, yet important...
How to Make a Flashlight Using Plastic Bottles
Hey there my lovely people! Nowadays, there are plenty of flashlight models on the market - models that you can click, twist, crank, shake and more. If none of them meets your...
See the PLASTIC BOTTLE AQUARIUM the Whole World is Talking About
Aquariums serve a significant role in providing a safe place for your fish to live. And if you love fish and want to have a few in your home, but you don't...
11 Life Hacks with Plastic Bottles No One Ever Told You About
Did you know that around 100 million plastic bottles are discarded every day and 80% of them are simply becoming non-biodegradable litter? They need over 1000 years to bio-degrade and if burnt, they...