Tag: happiness
Take care about yourself
The small things you consider unimportant that you do on a daily basis can have a huge impact on your body and health. That way it affects your overall energy which is...
Nine tips how to live a happy life
Each one of us have the same amount of time. The day lasts 24 hours for everyone. The problem occures because not everyone uses the same hours eaqually. This is what makes...
Phrases that do not cost a thing but make everyone’s day better
"You turn me into the best version of myself"Isn't it beautiful to wake up with such a message on your screen? That's how someone says "thank you for your good influence on...
3 Ways Spending Time in Nature Can Make You Healthier and Happier
John Muir, the great Scottish-American naturalist, once said “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks”. From mental clarity to physical well being, the benefits we receive from...
The Best Tips For A Happy Life
Happiness is something that we are chasing after every day. In the search, we forget that happiness is how we feel about our life. It is not about the things we buy...
Happy Moment Pictures
Is there anyone who don't want to immortalized the moment when he/she is happy? I don't think so!! The very happy moments make us to feel satisfied a long time after they...