The living room is the place in your home where we often gather with our family and friends. It should be decorated in the best way possible, to create a more welcoming, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. In other words, it should be decorated according to the Feng shui principles. So, today we would like to get you familiar with The Best Feng Shui Tips For Decorating Your Living Room.
Yes, Top Dreamers, Feng shui is really important for your home decor. If not done properly it can attract bad energy into your home, that can result with arguments, loss of wealth, health etc. The living room is considered as the most vulnerable place in the home, because this is the place where everyone goes to once they enter from the main door. So, you should all follow the Feng shui tips when decorating it.
- First of all, the living room should be comfortable and pleasing, getting a good amount of sun light and it must be ventilated.
- The sofa should be placed against a solid wall, from where you can see the main door while sitting. So, in case you don’t see the entrance door, use a mirror to see it.
- You can leave a few inches of space between the sofa and the wall itself to promote positive energy flow.
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- When it comes to the wall decor, you can choose to hang lively and positive pictures, such as some beautiful landscape or smiling faces.
- And for the coffee table, a bowl with some coins, crystals or other wealth symbols is a must-have to attract money.

Feng Shui Tips – Things You Must Avoid
There are also many things that you must avoid.
- For instance, never place sofa in front of windows or under a beam.
- Also, you should avoid L shaped sofas.
- The mirrors in your living room shouldn’t reflect clutter or dirt, because this could bring negativity in your home.
- So make sure to keep your home clutter free all the time.
- And your image shouldn’t be seen in the mirror while you are standing at any door.
- Also, there shouldn’t be a door directly facing the door of your living room.

If you follow the above Feng shui tips you will allow the energy to flow in your living room in a positive manner. And when this is achieved, you will feel more relaxed and stress free. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other decoration ideas for your home decor.