Tips for Window Cleaning in the Spring


The most wonderful time of the year is spring. It the time when the new beauty transcends nature’s creation blossoming everywhere to give a new look. This is also the time when cleaning the house, the garbage of the yard and the cleaning of the windows are actively taken care of. The professional cleaners of windows and doors are fully packed in work in this season. Over the month of winter, the tendency of the things to get cluttered and attraction of dirt is more. It is because of the dry wind which blows all the months.

If you look around your beautiful home, you will notice the piles of things like the clothing, the toys, the books, and the papers and you need to clean everything. The chores tend to get pushed aside and thus remain pending. The cold weather conditions become more excused not to clean the garden but the windows.


Tips to keep your home maintained

The home maintenance is much a requirement for all of us. We need to keep the place clean to maintain hygiene.  It is a great idea to tackle the early spring to make an effort to clean the house., window cleaning requires professional help as in the second or third floor the outside of the window can’t be reached by you.  What is important is to keep a cleaner ready by the month and ask for professional help. Inside the house, there are certain ways of keeping your windows and doors clean. Regular dusting and using a wet paper to clean the glasses are the best option. If on any alternative day you keep on cleaning your windows and doors from inside the dirt will not get fixed and it will create less trouble for you and the person who will come to clean from outside.  

Leaks and cracks are very common on the window. Cold wintry weather can cause the rubber to increase the electricity bill as well. This will also increase the formation of dirt, debris and insect residing in the house increase in number. Considering the panes of the glass clean it regularly. If you have a double pane window then you should address it right away for proper cleaning and if required replacement as well. 

Cleaning of the window screens

 If you are planning to clean your window screen, why don’t you take the screen out of your window and clean it singularly?  Majority of the window screen is moveable. If you are having an artistic window pane then you require hiring a professional person to clean it. By simply popping them against a brush will create a stain or even damage the glass overall.  Never scrub using liquid soap and rub it rigorously, you better keep it wet for some time, let it relax and then clean it slowly so that the quality doesn’t get hampered.  If your windows are of a great deal in terms of its large size, you can take help of your family member to clean it together. 

Some useful tips to clean your window

  • Choose a dry and cloudy day

To clean the window without any hassle, it is better to choose a cloudy day.  It is impossible to do this cleaning of the outside window on a blazing sunny day. It will be hard and streaks off the weather to maintain the balance. 

  • Remove the dirt and dust

It is always advisable to remove the dirt with a dry soft cloth followed by wet cloth or spray of water splash. Using a vacuum or machine cleaning dust can be useful. If your window screen looks like grumpy, try to pop it out and wash it with hot water, softly brush it and then rinse it for drying. For a quick dusting, try t use the shades and blinds with microfiber on both the sides for the easy cleaning process. At the same time, you can refresh your curtains and put the, in the dryer for 15 minutes for drying it. 

Cleaning windows and doors once or twice in a year will offer you the room to room a fresh feeling. Stick to your process and keep it clean for a beautiful outlook.