If you want to be a top essay writer in your school or even in the country, you have to put in a lot of time and efforts into it. Truth be told, essay writing can prove to be daunting, especially when you have a lot to deal with at the same time. Being a student calls for proper time management for you to be able to meet your deadlines and deliver nothing less of good quality work. When you feel overwhelmed with all the school work, you have the option of outsourcing professional essay writing services. However, before trusting any essay writer, ensure that you do your research to find one that is known for their quality work.

If you decide to write the essay by yourself, here are a few tips that will help you write an excellent essay:
Understand the prompt questions
Often when the teacher gives you an essay to write, they give you prompt questions. And the prompt questions are your first guide on what the essay should talk about. Take your time and understand what exactly the prompt question requires of you. Be keen on some of the words like, ‘discuss, explain, evaluate, and so on.
Come up with a topic
While sometimes some essays will be straight forward, some might require you to come up with your own topic. You want to pick a topic that is in line with the prompt question. Additionally, ensure that the topic is captivating enough. Remember, the first thing that someone will read in your essay is the topic. An interesting and well-put topic captures the attention of the reader and makes them want to know more about what the essay is all about. So much so, avoid having very long topics. Instead, they should be short and to the point.
Write down your ideas
Now that you already have a topic in place, it is time to put down your ideas. Do not just think about them but rather, take a paper and a pen and jot them down. Having your points down on paper will help you have some point of reference when writing the final piece. It also guides you on the direction you will take while writing the essay. The draft that you make at this point doesn’t necessarily have to have a structure as it is simply but a write-down of your ideas.

Get down to writing
Are you planning to start your essay with a statement or a question? This is the first thing you need to decide on when you begin writing your essay. A good piece has three essential segments, the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Ensure that your introduction part has a good flow and that it is interesting too. How well you structure the introduction will determine if the lecturer will look forward to reading more of your essay. When it comes to the body, ensure that your ideas flow seamlessly. Use the right sentence structures and keep on referring to the draft that you had written to ensure that you do not forget anything. Lastly, you need to finish your essay with a strong statement. And remember, plagiarism is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make when writing an essay. Ensure that your essay is 100% unique from the start to the end.
Proofread your work
Sometimes while writing the essay, you might make one or two mistakes without noticing- and that is the reason why you always need to proofread it. Some grammatical errors in an essay are simply unbearable. Make use of the proofreading tools that word documents offer. Make sure that you correct any grammatical mistakes in your essay before using other tools to edit your material. Also, use some editing tools such as Grammarly to check if your essay is well done. The good thing with such editing tools is that they always indicate occurrences of repetitive words and even give you synonyms for the same and in cases of plagiarism, they will also highlight it for you.
Ask for feedback
It never hurts to ask for someone to go through your essay and give you feedback on the same. When someone else reads your essay, they will be able to tell you if it is well done or if you need to improve some parts of the essays. In cases where you have to make a few adjustments, ensure that you do so before you submit the work.