Tips how to keep your health without need of a diet


Actually when you hear the word “diet” you probably first think of a regime how to lose weight. However the general and profound meaning of “diet” is a healthy lifestyle with an accent on the food. A survey made recently reveals that the people who would take care about what they consume on short terms will hive them only same lasting results. Moreover, in many cases the diet can even give you more health problems than benefits. Therefore you can control your health through the constant care of what you feed your body with. If you need some help you can think about the eating disorder treatment in Malibu Lake. The first and most important step would be to change some basic habits. The most important are the following:


Eat slowly and chew the food good

The same research has shown that the people who eat fast tend to gain weight fast unlike the people who eat quite slow. In addition, if you eat slowly you will notice very soon that you are already full and you don’t need to keep eating. If you want to check how slow do you actually eat, count the times you chew the food when it’s in your mouth. In order to slower down the whole process of eating, increase the number of times you chew the food.


Drink water constantly

Drinking water is of crucial importance for the body and health. If you always drink a glass of water thirty minutes before your meals, this will make you feel already full. Therefore you will eat less each time. What is important to mention is to avoid drinking water right after you have finished with the meal. If you do it, you will mix the digestive juice from your stomach with it. In that case its function will be affected, which will make a disorder in the whole process of natural digestion. Drink as much water as you can, however beware with the meals.


Serve the less-healthy food in red plates

It might sound silly but an experiment has shown that the people who were offered to eat and drink from glasses and plates in red color ate less than the others. It seems like the red color is considered as a subtly sign for stop eating. This might looks strange but it actually works.


Eat with the whole attention on the table

When you eat avoid watching TV. Leave your mobile phone away as well. Be concentrated on the table in order to enjoy and taste every single piece you eat. Moreover, the main reason for this is not to overeat. If you have your attention divided on many things, you will not be aware of the quantity of food you consume. In addition, you don’t have to stop eating when you can barely breath. The best time to take your plate away is when you love the taste of the food best. If you don’t believe, just try it. Stop eating when the food seems most delicious for you. You might feel like you should keep on eating, however, in ten minutes later you will feel full.
