Since the modification of the algorithm on Instagram, people complain more and more about the decrease in the number of followers or the amount of “likes” they get in their photos. I think these are the people who still deny that Instagram is a SOCIAL medium and that you will get there if you publish a picture every day or every few days. Well, I can tell you that it does not work that way anyway. Instagram is, in fact, a means of social communication, and if you do not accept it, you will be penalized there, from the adjustment of the algorithm.
Almost everyday users ask the question about the secret of other people’s Instagram success and wonder for suggestions. Well, there is no mystery, but some users are fortunate that for some reason they become a “suggested user.”
1. Look closely at your name, profile picture, and biography.
Think carefully about the name of your account. What is your account about and what theme do you want to inspire others with? It’s evident when people see in a flinch what the subject of your account is. The possibility of them clicking is much higher. Do you have a blog? So, it is obvious to use the name of your blog for your regular readers to recognize it. If this is not the case, then consider if you want to focus on national followers or around the world. In the latter case, it is useful to choose a name in English to attract more people. In the biography, you can briefly tell your potential followers something about yourself and your account and possibly leave a link to your website. Also, it is advisable to choose a profile picture that fits your account.
2. Add a Geotag.
Adding a geographic label to your photo means that you indicate where you are or where the photo was taken. Always try to do this, as this has an absolute impact on the number of likes on the photo. It will also have an influence on the number of comments you receive. To get comments on Instagram will help you to rank higher in the feed of your followers! In general, photos of popular destinations like New York or Paris get more liked than photos of unknown destinations.
3. Provide a good feed.
This may sound very obvious, but with only beautiful photos you are not there yet. People who see your account decide in just a few seconds if they think it’s worth seeing or following your account. So I recommend creating a feed that forms a whole, and the first 9 photos are the most important. You should always make sure that the colors of the pictures match and if there are people in the photo or not. You should also try to vary the type of photo, think about the beach, nature, sunset, buildings, etc. It is recommended to always use the same filter for your photos. Users love the beautiful and striking colors. If you suddenly start using other filters, this can be annoying in general.
4. Publish regularly.
You will never get many followers on Instagram if you do not post a photo regularly. You should try to publish at least once a day, sometimes two. If you want to publish several photos in a day, do it in moderation and make sure there are at least a few hours between each picture. Two posts one after each other can cause irritation, even now with the algorithm update. There are theories about what time it would be better to post a picture. When you have a business profile, you can see when your followers are the most active, and this should be the time of publication.
5. Use the appropriate hashtags.
A lot of users find it difficult to use the correct hashtags, because what is the right hashtag? Do you use a hashtag because you want a photo to be seen by a large account, or use a hashtag that contains the location of the picture, such as #thailand? Hashtags are used when someone wants to be inspired about Thailand, this person uses #thailand and then gets a list with all the photos that contain #thailand. With a little luck, your picture is on the list, and when this person clicks on your account, and you will have a follower. But is this really so smart? Because, how often is #thailand used? The counter is now more than 300 million times! How big is the chance that your picture will be seen? Try looking for hashtags that fit your photos, but where there are between 10,000 and 500,000 photos. The probability is significant when your photo(s) remain visible to others longer. When you search the Instagram application under the heading “tags” and look for Thailand, for example, you get a list (with numbers) of hashtags that have to do with Thailand. First, check the summary of the photos below these hashtags and ask yourself if you want your photos to stand between them.
6. Continue / stop following?
Everyone’s irritation, people will follow you and, as soon as you follow them, they will unfollow you. However, many people swear by this tactic to get more followers. I can be brief about it … Do not do it! I think it’s rude. Nobody wants to be treated like this, right? Do not do it to others either! It happens regularly, but you should unfollow those people as quickly as they do to you. Or maybe you just shouldn’t follow someone back when he or she follows you. It can happen that sometimes, an account no longer attracts you or bothers you when someone else posts 10 photos one after the other.
In the end, the best recommendation is just to be yourself!