Top 3 Things To Look For In Your New Personal Assistant


Finding the perfect set of hands can always be a challenge. We all know the saying  “if you want something done, then do it yourself” but with a mountain of work and life maintenance to get through just organising yourself can sometimes feel like a full-time job.

So, the question might arise ” Is there anyone I can trust to help with all this work?”

The answer is yes, there is always someone who is the right fit for the job, the hard part is finding them.

Finding someone that fits what you need can always be tricky, especially when you know you need it done to perfection and need it done not just the right way, but the right way for you. Not to worry, we know what to look out for when you need a competent and reliable private personal assistant.

Someone Who Understands You 

Finding the perfect personal assistant isn’t all about the capabilities that they have on paper. To remove the legwork from your day-to-day, you’ll need someone that understands your specific needs and how best they can lighten the load and assist you.

The perfect candidate will be able to determine what you need support in without much guidance, you blend well and start working as a unit. 

Whether that be on general admin or assisting you around the house, work will feel easier and lighter as you have that helping hand to guide you through and carry the load with you.  

With so many professional and private agencies out there finding your private assistant has never been easier, working on anything from domestic households to high-profile households guaranteeing discretion, professionalism and confidentiality at all times. 

It’s A Match

To find the perfect personal assistant goes far beyond just being able to work together and collaborate at a professional level well. 

Due to the nature of the role and how much of an intricate part of your life they are going to be, it is essential that you are comfortable with each other and that you feel happy to invite them into your life for them to do their job well. 

They are going to be making personal appointments, sorting out your diary and are all-round likely to know more about you and what is going on in your life than you actually will yourself. 

So for them to work effectively and you be able to truly benefit you have to be able to invite them in and feel okay with this person running your life without any hesitation.

Strong Communication

Another quality to look for in a personal assistant and something that is of the utmost importance is someone with a level head and strong communication skills across numerous channels.

Your assistant will essentially be an extension of you and so the majority of the time throughout your day they will be representing you with people that know you well through to new contacts that are getting their first impression of you through your assistant.

So they need to be able to capture your tone, understand how you speak and how you would respond to certain situations and communications to best represent you in all manner of circumstances and you have that trust to be that extension of you when you can’t yourself.

Looking for a personal assistant is quite a personal process for obvious reasons, you are bringing someone in to bring stability and organisation to your life and your lifestyle and so you need to be able to build a strong foundation and relationship with them for them to do their job properly.

So when looking for your assistant, consider what is important for you and what kind of person you want to be surrounded by as they will be a big part of your life, and you, theirs. 

This is why, often, it’s useful to employ the services of a private personal assistant agency; with years of experience matching the perfect candidate to individuals and households, working with a personal assistant company can mean a smoother employment process and happier results for you and your family.