Top 5 Ideas for Dinner Party Decorations


Planning a dinner party can be so exciting. You think of a dress code, a theme, you buy pretty little decoration pieces, eat delicious food that is also visually appealing. The party planner inside me is already excited.

But to plan the perfect dinner party, you have to be very precise when it comes to the décor. Many of us tend to get carried away and our classy, sophisticated dinner party ends up looking like a conjugated mess of random ideas. You need to keep your mind clear and think coherently to decide how the party goes. Some things to keep in mind are:

Keep a Dress Code

Deciding what to wear on what occasion may be a huge hassle.  Having too many different kinds of outfits worn by people would give the party an informal and haphazard look. Setting a dress code is a good idea to give the party a more organized and formal feel. This way the appeal of the party would not be damaged. Also deciding between a few options is easier which saves time for your guests too!

Choose Pleasant Decorations

In a sophisticated event, the best kinds of decoration are those which give the guests a pleasant feeling. These include balloons, flowers, scented candles and air purifiers. Make sure all these arrangements are not too extravagant. They should match the theme of your party. You could make bunches of color coordinated balloons and stick them in places with flowy ribbons. You may also place scented candles to give the party a nice, relaxing feel.

Set a Color Code

A good color contrast appeals to the eyes of the people.  It is best to choose dull and contrasting colors to be the theme of your dinner. They should be soothing to the eyes. A combination of 2 or 3 colors is preferable. The people attending should also be wearing the clothes of the same or of contrasting colors to blend in with the surroundings and not stand out too much.

Get a Good Catering Company

The main attraction of this occasion is the dinner itself.  It should not only be scrumptious but also very presentable. The setup of the table is what counts as most important part of decorations. For a small party these arrangements can be made you but with larger crowds, it is best to hire a good catering company like Matteo’s Gourmet Food Services. Ask the catering company to show you brochures and sample their food before finalizing them for your party.

Set the Mood with Music

Music is what completes all parties; casual or fancy. It sets the ambiance of the room and prevents awkward silence moments. The music you choose should complement your party’s theme. Make sure it is not is not too loud or startling. It should also not have any strong language. For a formal dinner party, some light, soft music is ideal. If you have enough room in the venue, you may also install a dancefloor to which people could softly dance to.