Water is vital to all life forms inhabiting the planet. But with the steadily growing population, water supplies may not be able to sustain such a massive consumer base for long. Fortunately, some conservation measures can help restore balance between the available water supply and the earth’s population who rely on it.
When Washing Dishes:
There are countless day to day activities that involve the use of water, one of which is washing dishes. When you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the faucet open. Fill a container with wash water and another container with rinse water.
If you still wash dishes by hand, consider switching to smart dishwashers, which generally consume less water. Find a dishwasher with an Energy Star seal to make sure the product is water-efficient. If your dishwasher is brand new, minimise rinsing since newer designs clean more efficiently than older ones. More tips for conserving water in the kitchen here.
When Doing Your Laundry:
Laundry is perhaps the biggest water-consuming activity in any household. A basket load of laundry can use up to 3 gallons of water, which is significant when you consider the fact that people do laundry almost every week.
Bathroom Changes:
Try to keep showers under 5 minutes. A shower head can fill a one-gallon bucket in less than 30 seconds. If you cut back by a single minute, you can save up to 150 gallons every month. The best way to make this a regimen is to time yourself with a stopwatch or alarm.
Water Consumption Outdoors:
If your kids love playing with the hose or water spray, make sure they do it somewhere in your lawn so the water is absorbed by the soil and plants that require it.
Support Water Conservation Projects:
Companies like Lagan Water are centred towards delivering clean water sourced through efficient and environmentally sensitive waste water treatment. Supporting these companies will ensure their principles and goals are continued for the long-term.
Pool Side Conservation:
When not being used, cover your pool to keep the water clean and reduce the need for regular chemical water treatment. When cleaning and emptying it, you can use the water on plants that are not sensitive to salt or other chemicals.
Teach Your Children:
Children are young and unaware of the impending global warming. Teach them what not to do with water and how to properly use it. Don’t make the conversations too technical otherwise you will bore them and lose their attention. Use these tips instead.
Conserving Water in the Office:
As a business owner or employer, make and implement a water management plan for your organisation. It will take time to get everybody on board, but the amount of water you conserve per year not only benefits you environmentally but also financially.
Collect Rainwater:
There are still heated debates whether or not rainwater is potable, but aside from drinking, you can also use them for indoor plants or to wash equipment and machinery.