Top Secrets of Professional Painters


It is rightly said that “painting is an art” and maybe this is the only reason why the majority of people call for professional painters. While painting, there are several things that should be kept in mind. 

The professionals have their secrets that help in enhancing the authenticity of the walls of the house, avoiding any lap marks. They have their own techniques and methods to paint the objects. They restore the life of the walls or the object with their magic. 

Some of the top secrets of professional painters are as follows:

1) The trims, the ceilings and then the wall: 

The basic sequence that the professionals follow is that, at the very first, they paint the trims, then they go for the walls, and at last, they paint the walls. Neatness is not necessary while painting the trims

Nothing is to be worried if the paints get slopped on the wall as it can be covered later with wall paints. The trim is needed to be dried; then the ceiling and the wall is to be painted.

2) Avoid dripping while painting: 

If masking tape is well applied to the wooden objects, then it works well in protecting the items. It is necessary to use a damp rag to clear the dirt that stays on the trims. The tape that is to be used should be twice in width than that of the trim’s width. 

When the work is done, removal of the tape should be done after it dries completely or else one may peel the fresh paint.

3) Take care of lap marks: 

Lap marks are the disgusting marks caused by the odd thick layers of the paint when the paint is too old or dry. The secret to avoiding lap marks is to support it with “wet edge”. In order to maintain the “wet edge”, the whole wall needs to be painted at once. 

To take care of these minute steps, professional help is needed. Companies like Barton Springs Painters take care of the factors like avoiding lap marks, slops and mess.

4) Using paint extender: 

The best key to a good finish that is free of brush marks is to mix a paint extender or conditioner. This paces down the drying time of the paint, and it gives extra time to paint the just-printed areas without creating ugly spots. 

As the extenders level out the colors, the visibility of the brush strokes becomes much lesser. The paint extenders are used by the professionals in case of painting wooden work, doors, cabinets and mostly drywall. Manufacturer’s direction is to be followed while adding extenders to the paints.

5) Filling holes, including the small ones: 

Usually, everyone assumes that the new paint might fill up the holes, but it doesn’t, in fact, it highlights the holes more. Spackling compound is to be used for holes less than 1/8inch. 

The two-part filler is to be used for deeper holes. It is important to use hassle-free materials because, and the material used for filling the holes must be strong enough to handle abuse without falling out.

Wrapping Up: 

There remains a clear difference in the painting of an amateur and a professional painter. Hiring a professional is always beneficial because they provide the best quality of workmanship before painting, while painting and after the painting is done. 

The professionals use modern equipment, it saves time and money, provides safety and adequate preparation, provides great quality paints and required materials and the best part is that there will be no cleanup stress after the work is done.