Vaping: The Myths VS The Facts


As the vaping industry continues to expand and reach a larger demographic, there are more and more members of society coming forward to voice their concerns around the health risks that vaping supposedly has.

It’s understandable that many people will be hesitant when it comes to the act of vaping, since the market is still so new and rather unknown, but these concerns often spark misconceptions to be created around what vaping really is. So let’s abolish some of the myths with the facts.

Myth: Vaping Is A Gateway To Smoking

This isn’t necessarily true for the entire act of vaping, though it’s obviously going to be a different case for everybody. Many adults are worried about younger people using e-cigarettes as a gateway device before switching to smoking tobacco. However, it’s actually been proven by a numerous amount of studies that even with the increased use of e-cigarettes throughout high schools, this doesn’t lead to an increase in tobacco smoking rates. This is further supported by the fact that young adults are receiving a much better education on the risks of smoking tobacco as opposed to vaping non-nicotine e-juices.

Fact: Vaping Isn’t As Addictive As Smoking

Sure, you may become somewhat obsessed with trying new flavors or purchasing the latest mods for your device, but vaping is not at all as physically addictive as smoking. Many e-cigarette users prefer juices that do not contain nicotine, but even those who do don’t get as addicted. This is supported by a variety of studies that have been conducted to have revealed that vaping doesn’t actually deliver nicotine as effectively. This means that even if you’re using juices with nicotine, the levels aren’t as high as those found in regular cigarettes. Plus, vaping allows you to avoid all the other addictive and harmful chemicals provided by traditional smoking.

Myth: Second Hand Vape Is As Dangerous As Second Hand Smoke

There’s no reason for people not to be concerned about second hand smoke because it has been proven to be incredibly harmful to those exposed to it. However, there’s the common misconception floating around that second hand vape causes the same amount of damage, which isn’t the case. Lorillard Tobacco Company led a study into this myth that actually proved that second hand vapor contains the same levels of carcinogens as ambient air, and the levels of left over nicotine are negligible.

Fact: Vaping Products Are Now Regulated

This has only recently become a fact in 2016, though it’s a good one to make sure it out there. The FDA have now created a detailed list of regulations for vape manufacturers and stores to follow, so there are now strict rules and laws that need to be met. These regulations have caused producers to ensure that they’re creating quality products for consumers and ease the concern of many members of the general public. Though, even before these regulations were introduced, the industry has always been very well-policed in terms of the quality of their products.

With any type of industry, especially one that’s so new and still developing, it’s understandable that a lot of people are going to have concerns over the safety of the use of the devices in question. Though, it’s important to remember that not everything you hear about vaping is fact, and quite a lot of rumors can be proven to be inaccurate.