Ways in which Instagram can be used to boost brand’s image


Almost every small business is on Instagram. In fact, large businesses are also making use of this social media platform that has been transformed into a digital marketing medium. Given that millions of images are posted every day, businesses can leverage the large user-base in order to enhance their digital visibility.

Some business profiles are working to get instant Instagram likes on their posts while others are looking forward to make the most out of stories, here are some ways in which this social media giant can be used to elevate brand’s image.

  • Engagement

Engagement is the key. In order to maintain the existing follower-base and get more followers, you need to interact with them. Building an engaged audience means conducting conversations with them on the posts. Ask them questions, respond to their comments and reply to the stories. This would help you establish a more loyal follower-base. As your account will grow, it may become impossible to respond to everyone but you can still like the comments. The end result is a better brand image.

  • Post stories

Verified Instagram accounts can add links on their Instagram stories. It makes the followers take notice of the products and gives them the opportunity to learn more. It doesn’t only increase instant engagement on your stories but increase the clicks on your website.

This may have a direct impact on the image of your brand. It enhances the brand reputation dramatically helping the business to generate better profits.

  • Utilize videos

Grabbing attention using visual content is pretty much easy. However, visual content can be sub-categorized into many other things. Videos play a vitally important role in this context. Rather than just using images, businesses can make videos regarding their products and services in order to attract more followers. Letting the customers know about your business, how the products are made and what services you may provide in the future can help you maintain customer loyalty in the long-term.

  • Utilize captions

Instagram is not only about visual content. Visual content can be further supplemented through captions. Write creative captions along with an eye-catching image. This is an ideal way in order to boost your brand’s image.

Captions can be good supplements for images. It increases the quality and helps you serve the purpose in a more specific way. The end result of having displayed quality content is more followers and enhancing your brand’s image and reputation.

The bottom line

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platform right now. Millions of users are posting millions of images on regular basis which creates an ideal opportunity for visual marketers to deliver the content to their targeted audience.

Above are some ways listed that can help businesses use Instagram to enhance their brand’s image and reputation. Nevertheless, the list is not exhaustive. Given the flexible nature of this medium, one can come up with other creative ideas to enhance online visibility.