Life is hectic, and with regular commitments and busy schedules, it can be challenging to manage your day effectively. However, if you’re able to take control and make the most of each, you’ll feel full of energy and ready to tackle the week ahead.

Check out some of the top ways to be more productive in work and life:
Make a list – This could be a few notes on a piece of paper, or a schedule created in Excel, whatever works for you will help you get everything in order. Creating to-do lists will give you a chance to view things you have committed to during the day and can jog your memory on those essential tasks. You don’t have to be completely strict with it but keeping tabs on the essentials will help free up time and see what time you have available each day.
Don’t take on too much – We’re all guilty of taking on too much throughout the day. This could be overcommitting yourself to help someone out or forgetting that you had other tasks scheduled, so everything is clashing. At this point, stop and take a step back. You can’t do everything, and no one expects you too. So, take stock of the crucial elements and prioritize the rest.
Make sure you have the essentials – Have you ever felt stressed that you left your wallet at home? Most people have probably felt this way, and it can be a real distraction during the day. Before you leave the house, ensure you have everything you need. Things like a purse, phone, car keys, and bags are important to help you feel more relaxed. However, also checking you have essentials such as your Persol eyeglasses and work diary will help you stay stress-free at work.
Focus on one thing at a time – Many of us can multitask well. However, if you find that you’re rushing everything, it could be counterproductive. The real way to be more productive is to focus on one thing at a time. Your list will help here, as you can note all the tasks and decide on the most important. Set yourself goals and allocated timings to complete them and track your tasks with apps such as Timely.
Don’t be afraid to delegate – Whether this is at home or work, don’t be afraid to get help to tackle those tasks. It might be getting the kids to wash the dishes or asking a colleague for support on a project. If you’re running out of time, asking for help can get it done quicker and helps to relieve unnecessary stress.
Get outside – If you find you spend time sitting at your desk for hours and the task hasn’t moved forward much. Take some time away from the screen. Go outside, get some fresh air, and blow away the cobwebs to return with some new ideas and a revived outlook. Sunshine and nature boost your physical and mental health and can help you be more productive throughout the day.