What does the bottom of Titicaca lake hide


A team of experts archeologists from European and South American origins have made an important and much needed research in the misterious lake that is located in the South of America, called Titicaca. It is an interesting site that many scientist throughout the years have tried to analize and stury better.

The underwater treasure of ceremonial artifacts that lies on the bottom of the lake comes from the civilaztion of Tiwanaku and it is unprecedented. That’s what the experts concluded after the research.


The experts of underwater archeology have discovered some ritual gifts in the lake, as well as some animal remains of an underwater ridge in the middle of it. This precious items sirve as a proof that on that very site there have been held such an important rituals on which the elite of the Tiwanaku civilization have sailed to the ridge on which they would bring young lamas as victims. They would leave golden artefacts and precious stones as well that are considered to be miniature replicas of deities.

The civilization of Tiwanaku was born and has developed on the lake Titicaca between the fifth and the twelfth century. At that time this civilization was believed to be the predominant and most important culture in that region. The lake is located on 3.800 meters above the sea level. It has been developed a proper ecosystem and in the time when the Spaniards would come in order to conquere the land here it is believed to have lived thousands and thousands of people.


As this lake has always called the attention of the divers and the experts, the archeologists have finally decided to do a detailed underwater research in order to explore well the  Koa ridge. There have been made a lots of previous researches by amatheurs who have found such a significant amount of artifacts.

The archeologists, among the other things, have found different golden items in different shapes, some kind of decorations including medallions with a puma engraved on it.


The experts and scientists from Oxford University, as well as the Independent University of Brussels are amazed by this fact especially because the items found in the lake are in such a great condition and well kept. So far they have found over ten different sites all around the lake Titicaca with important remainings of the civilization of Tiwanaku but what is interesting is that none of the old sites has been so juicy, rich and interesting.

The lake Titicaca is located on the territory between Peru and Bolivia and covers an area of about 8.562 km square. Its deepest poit is on 281 m depth while its average depth is considered to be about 107 m. The average temperature of the water of the lake during the year is about 13 degrees Celsius. There are at least twentyfive local rivers that emty their waters in this lake, which makes it even more spectacular and interesting for further researches.