What to Look For In a Gaming Rig Monitor Stand


So, you’ve kitted yourself out with an ultra-cool gaming machine, and you’re ready to conquer bad guys, aliens, monsters, and build new worlds. You’ve also chosen a monster monitor to go with your machine. You’ve unboxed the monitor and set it up, and it looks good. But it’s not as adjustable as you’d hoped.  

Unfortunately, that’s pretty standard. Even pro monitors typically have a stand that is limited. It pays to look at getting one of the gaming rig best triple monitor stands instead.

Why Pay More When I Have a Monitor Stand Already?

How many hours will you spend gaming? If the answer is a lot, you need to be completely comfortable in front of your screen. That means keeping the action at eye level, and your screen tilted up a bit.

Trust us, of hours spent gaming, you’ll be glad of the comfort because it reduces eye strain, muscle fatigue, and backache.

When You Need a Triple Monitor Stand, No Question

It’s essential if you have multiple monitors that you plan to operate off the same desk. Using the same surface helps if you’re editing video, and it can help you get the most out of gaming.

But setting up three monitors on separate stands takes up valuable space. Then you have the added disadvantage that you might not be able to adjust them correctly. A triple monitor stand saves you time, effort, and money.

It comes in at a lower price than three separate ones would and allows you to save valuable space at the same time.

What to Look for in Your Stand

Is it worth paying a bit more and getting a high-quality stand? Most definitely. Sure, better stands cost more, but think about how much it costs to replace a monitor and factor that into the equation.

A cheaper stand could collapse and take the monitor with it. Also, cheaper stands have limited range of motion. While you’re not going to be spinning your monitors around, you do want a decent range of motion to get the perfect angle.

In other posts, we’ve recommended ensuring that components match. So, for example, you’re not going to get a top-of-the-line graphics card and choose the cheapest motherboard you can find.

Be willing to pay a premium for a stand that handles the weight because you can use the stand repeatedly. So, if you do replace your monitors in the future, you’ll still be able to use the same stand.

Overall, look for something that is strong and durable, something that fits your needs perfectly. It’s worth spending more in this area because keeping things at a comfortable distance will make a huge difference for you later on.

Isn’t it worth spending a few bucks so that you can game for longer without cramping up or hurting your back?