Kids grow up so fast these days. Technology and the immense access they have to information have made it much easier for them to learn new things. Forget about going outside and discovering the world. Children nowadays start picking up practical skills from YouTube and other online sources.

This phenomenon also results in more children getting to know makeup and beauty products early. They idolize beauty influencers and celebrities, they tune in to YouTube channels that talk about makeup and products, and they do all that without your help. The big question remains: when should you teach your kids how to do their makeup?
Getting Involved
There is no definite answer to that big question. In the old days, kids in their late teens weren’t wearing makeup. In today’s modern world, however, it is not difficult to find younger children who are more familiar with beauty products and makeups than their older siblings.
Instead of trying to figure out the best time to teach your children to do their makeup, it is more important to give them the basic understanding around the use of beauty products. Not all makeup and beauty products are meant to be used at such a young age; some of them bring negative effects to the health of the skin if not used properly.
You also want to get involved in laying down the basics. One of the first things you need to help your children with is their cleaning and beauty routine. Kids need to fully understand the importance of a good cleaning routine as well as how imperative it is to know how to maintain good skin health.
Becoming a Part of the Process
The actual learning process is a lot of fun. As mentioned before, there is no shortage of YouTube videos and articles about makeup these days. All you have to do is share the moment of watching and learning from these online resources with the children. You may be able to pick up one or two tricks yourself.
Shopping for makeup and beauty products is also a lot of fun. You can look for cosmetics online from the comfort of your home on a provider like Maple Prime and make it a fun browsing activity. All of the details are also available for each product so it’s a chance to give them better understanding of the different products available.
The Ideal Age
We’re back to that big question again: when should you teach your kids how to do their makeup? According to child development experts, kids in the 12th grade are more exposed to beauty products worn by their friends. You can use this as a good benchmark and start getting involved with the children’s use of makeup around that time.
Of course, you can also choose to start earlier or later; it is entirely up to you. Remember to put more emphasis on skin health and how to maintain it, and you will have nothing to worry about. Besides, kids will still experiment with makeup with or without your guidance. It is best that they have you by their side.