When hosting a dinner or some kind of party, you should make sure that everything looks perfect. This means that you should take care of the food and drinks and of course not to forget the table decorations. There are many different centerpieces that you can get or if you want to add a personal touch to the table decor, then you may consider making some. Today, we have chosen several Wonderful DIY Table Centerpieces that you can find as an inspiration of how to make some centerpiece for the next party you are hosting.
These DIY projects are so easy to be done and they won’t cost you much. They are the perfect solution of how to decorate the table even when you are short on time. Also, some of them can be great for some special occasions, like a wedding party. You can create a beautiful table centerpiece with the use of some old items that you already have at home, like empty mason jars, tin cans, glasses etc. Choose some fresh flowers, or maybe go for some artificial ones and thus make the centerpiece last longer. Or have you ever thought that you can make some flower decorations out of clean coffee filters? Yes, you can do this, and we have included a tutorial that you can use as a guide. Scroll down now to see how you can do this as well as many other DIY table centerpieces that we have chosen for you today and choose which on your will try to do. Follow the steps on the pictorials and enjoy in creating a beautiful centerpiece that will fascinate your guests.
SEE ALSO: 16 Easy DIY Napkin Rings For Every Occasion
DIY White Carnation Centerpiece Ball
DIY Nautical Rope Vase
![DIY Nautical Rope Vase](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/DIY-Nautical-Rope-Vase.jpg)
DIY Glowing Submersible Centerpiece
![diy flower and glass centerpiece](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diy-flower-and-glass-centerpiece.jpg)
DIY Paper Lantern Vase Centerpiece
DIY Flower And Sand Centerpiece
DIY Hydrangea Centerpiece
![diy modern hydrangea](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diy-modern-hydrangea.jpg)
DIY Rose Centerpiece
![Rose Centerpiece 2](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Rose-Centerpiece-2.jpg)
DIY Floral Urn Centerpiece
![diy floral urn centerpiece](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diy-floral-urn-centerpiece.jpg)
DIY Flower Ball Bouquet
Easy Floral Centerpiece
DIY Mason Jar Centerpieces
DIY Floral Table Runner
DIY Candle Centerpiece
![Candle Centrepiece](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Candle-Centrepiece.jpg)
DIY Cement Centerpieces
![DIY cement centerpieces](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/DIY-cement-centerpieces.jpg)
DIY Cascading Floral Centerpiece
![cascading floral centerpiece](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/cascading-floral-centerpiece.jpg)
DIY Coffee Filter Flowers
![diy coffee filter](https://topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/diy-coffee-filter-718x718.jpg)
So, which one from the above centerpieces you would try to and thus add a personal touch to the table decor? Tell us in the comments and of course, don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other DIY ideas that you can do in your free time.