How to Write a Critical Analysis


What is a critical analysis? How can you write it?

Find out what is the critical analysis is, what stages will help in writing critical analysis and useful advice for a clear and structural evaluation of the subject.

How to Write a Critical Analysis

Different colleges and high school assignments are aimed to reveal students’ knowledge, skills to collect, combine and analyze information. Writing critical analysis has its specific purpose. Critical analysis is an academic paper that determines subjective work of a student in studying the piece of work, analyzing it and make suggestions, comments, and own conclusions.

Critical analysis is a complex work and consists of two stages. The first stage is familiarization. Of course, you should have an idea of what you will be analyzing. Objects of analysis can be various kinds of work: literature (articles, books, scientific reports), pieces of art (paintings, sculptures, musical works), cinematographic works, etc.

What things should you keep in mind?

Researching the object of analysis is aimed at identifying the main topic and specific features, key points. It should be noted that the purpose of such a study is to determine questions for criticism. In the academic literature, the author himself points out the theme of his research and his purpose, whereas, in creative works, it is necessary to determine the basic idea or what the author wants to convey.

In support of his point of view, the author uses arguments and provides solutions to the problem. For critical analysis, it is important to understand why the question is controversial, the arguments are sufficient, and how plausible the proposed solution is. Remark any provided evidence, specific terms, and concepts in order to deal with the issue in more detail. Subsequently, you will be able to explore additional literature related to the topic.  It doesn’t mean a deep research work but you should have a clue of what author want to represent and conceptions he uses.

Find out what purpose the author conveys to the audience.

Generally, it`s used one of the following appeals:

  • pathos (rely on emotions)
  • logos(reasons and logic to influence the reader`s opinion)
  • ethos (credence based on professional and academic merit)

Relying on the author`s appeals you can evaluate how it affects you as a reader and give an explanation.

Create an outline

Previously mentioned tips provide you a basis to make an outline or brief summary. If you ask yourself “Who can write my essay for me?” Remember that it`s your own work and you write a personal conclusion to the investigation you have made. Try to describe analyzed work in your own words but avoid direct presentation of your ideas. You should be concerned on the subject and operate facts and evidence to support the conclusion.

The balanced analysis contains both positive and negative aspects. If you study the strengths and the weakness of the work, you will have points to criticize and agree. Keep in mind that purpose of the critical analysis is not just to inform the audience but to evaluate the worth, utility, distinction, gorgeousness.

The information will give readers understanding the origin and sense of the analyzed work. As you evaluate and interpret the meaning and significance of the work you should have a correct understanding of it and give a fair justification.

The writing process

The second stage is actually writing a critical analysis. The outline and summary are the guides for effective writing analysis. Take the major points to detail them. Devote each paragraph to the one thought or idea you want to expand. Usually, you focus on how the structure, organization, and sequence reveal the author`s point of view or his appeal.

Estimate positive and negative points. Depending on what you have more you will defend the author`s opinion or criticize it. The critical analysis should end up with the idea based on a comparison of pros and cons, you come to a certain conclusion about the effectiveness and reliability of the work. Be aware to keep academic tone not personal.

If the author chose the disputable topic, search for additional information and mention the other side of the issue. Controversy will help to highlight contradictory moments and to assess the credibility of the author. Of course, you are summarizing the author`s thoughts but the main part of the analysis consists of your appraisal.

What else?

Do not forget to include the integral parts of the analysis:

  • title and the author
  • field, genre, type of the work
  • general information ( can also add how relevant the topic you estimate)
  • author’s purpose
  • your statements and evidence to support them
  • your critique
  • concluding paragraph

If you have finished the critical analysis, get to proofreading and editing. Check out requirements of formatting and issues you should cover in the analysis. Keep in contact with your professor to fulfill all points of your assignment and write the best critical analysis.