10 Sneaky Ways To Hide A Printer


With the evolving of technology, everything is getting thinner and more practical. We use ultra-thin laptops, tablets, smartphones etc., but it seems that the only electronic device that doesn’t get smaller is the printer. Yes, we all have a bulky printer into our home or office and this device somehow can break up the aesthetic appeal of the interior. So, since we cannot make it smaller, we can at least try to hide it. And as we are always here for you to give some hacks and tips, today we would like to show you 10 Sneaky Ways To Hide A Printer. Check them out and get rid of the bulky printer once and for all.

SEE ALSO: 12 Absolutely Awesome Ways To Make Fake Drawers Functional

Store It In A Wire Basket

One way to hide the printer is to store it in a wire basket. Just cut a slot in the front for the paper and one in the back for the cords.

hide a printer
Full tutorial: thediyplaybook.com

Hide A Printer In A Drawer

You can also store the printer in a dresser drawer. Just put the drawer on a hinge.

hide away printer
Full tutorial: pbjstories.com

Cover It With A Fabric Panel

When your office storage has no door, you can make one out of a fabric.

Photo via: karapaslaydesigns.com

DIY Printer Cover

If you love crafting, you can make a printer cover out of a stained wooden box.

Full tutorial: cleverlyinspired.com

Place It On A Cart

When you place the printer on a cart, you can easily move the cart into the closet or anywhere else if you are not using it.

Photo via: whitehouseblackshutters.com

Camouflage It With Colors

Here is an idea of how to make a printer part of an ombre decorations, to blend in with the surrounding.

Photo via: iheartorganizing.com

Put In A Drawer

If your office desk has bigger drawers you can store the printer in it and thus open the drawer when you need to print something and again put it back when you are not using it.

Photo via: hative.com

DIY Desk With Printer Cabinet

You can also make one such printer cabinet in the desk. Find out how to do it on the link below the photo.

Full tutorial: jenwoodhouse.com

Make It Part Of Your Book Collection

If your books have colorful hardbacks, they can easily draw the attention and no one will notice the printer. At least not at first glance.

book shelves
Photo via: thehousediaries.com

Built-in Storage Solution

A built-in storage unit provides enough room to smartly store the printer without cluttering the space.

home office
Photo via: bhg.com

So, how would you choose to hide your printer? Tell us in the comments and also let us know if you have any other idea of how to store the bulky printer. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other useful ideas that will keep your home clutter free.