5 Staple Pieces for Any Garden


Thinking of giving your garden a new look? Then here are ideas for five features your garden shouldn’t be without:

  • Water features rule

Water features add a captivating element to your garden, so consider introducing one in your plot. Technology’s come on in leaps and bounds in recent years and adding a water feature no longer need entail complex exterior wiring. You’ll find lots of solar powered options in your local garden centre, so keep a look out for them.

Features that include running water can be especially helpful in gardens where background traffic noise is a problem, as they’ll help to mask the sound. Moreover, a source of water’s great for our wildlife, ven a ceramic bird bath can act as an attractive focal point and help our feathered friends too.

  • Cherish our wildlife

On that note, think about introducing one other feature into your garden that’ll help the local wildlife, from a bird feeding station to a hedgehog house or nest boxes. Wildlife is one of the things we all enjoy most about our gardens, so do all you can to cherish and encourage it, then it might just become another notable feature of your garden. What’s more cheering than the sight of a robin pecking at freshly dug earth or settling on your garden fork? So do all you can to encourage your favorite flora and fauna.       

  • Vertical features are valuable  

Don’t forget to make the most of the vertical space in your garden – it’s relatively easy to fill flowerbeds with bedding plants and herbaceous perennials, but don’t forget to look up too, and consider what opportunities you are presented.  A hanging basket is probably the most straightforward way to introduce flowers at a height, but you could also plant up a green wall or put in wires or trellis so that you can grow plants up walls or fencing. Just don’t forget to fill your vertical spaces too, where possible.

  • A statement seat

No garden is complete without a seat, whether you place it underneath a rose arbour, in a summer house or on a patio, it will add an extra dimension to your garden, allowing you to relax after a hard day’s work and enjoy the fruits of your labor. So sit back, take the weight off your feet and wind down in your garden.      

  • Only connect

Patio doors are a great way to make the most of your garden throughout the changing seasons; so connect up your garden and home with new patio doors, so you can enjoy the outside, from indoors, all years round, whatever the weather’s like. Make this change, and you’ll also enhance the natural light levels in your home and make the most of the up-coming winter light, which is warm in hue, glowing and rather beautiful – so let it into your home.

Your new garden

So there you have five features you could introduce into your garden that will transform your experience of it and help you make the most of it, whether it’s warm or cold outside. Now it’s time to get started on your next garden project.