Your Guide To Packing For A Long Distance Move 


A long-distance move can be an exciting experience, but it can also be a major source of stress. That’s why you’ll want to make sure you’re properly prepared for the challenges ahead of you. Follow these tips when packing for your long-distance move. These suggestions will help you to avoid many common moving pitfalls.


Organize Your Belongings Before You Pack

One of the most significant issues that people run into when packing is failing to keep items organized. This can make it very difficult to unpack after a move. If you take the time to organize your things before you pack correctly, you’ll know where everything is, which means you’ll be able to unpack and settle into your new home quickly. 

It’s best to organize items based on the room that they belong in. For example, a box could exclusively contain kitchen items or items that belong in your bedroom. Give yourself plenty of time to pack so that you will be able to stay organized throughout the process. 

Get Rid Of Items Before You Move

It’s best to limit what you take with you on a long-distance move. Before you start packing, you’ll want to go through your things and think about what you really want to keep. Now is an excellent time to sell or donate some of the items that you no longer use. 

You’ve likely been holding onto plenty of things that you no longer use. Now is the ideal time for you to clear out some of these items. The less you bring with you on your long-distance move, the more you’ll be able to save. Go through your things now and think about what is and isn’t worth taking. 

Put Together An Inventory List 

It would be best to create an inventory list of everything you’re bringing with you during your move. The list should include all of the furniture you are moving to and the number of boxes you are getting with you. 

Having a list like this can be helpful for a number of reasons. If you’re working with movers, they can consult the list and confirm that they have not forgotten anything important. In case you haven’t found a mover, check the list of trusted moving companies online and choose a suitable one. If something is lost or damaged during a move, an inventory list can also be useful when filing a claim with your insurance company. 

Protect The Items That You Pack 

Because your items will be traveling long distances, you won’t want to take any chances. You’ll want to make sure that all of the fragile items you’re packing are protected. It would help if you also marked boxes as fragile so that movers know those items should be treated with caution. 

If you’re careless when sealing a box, that box could wind up opening during the move, which could cause items to be lost or damaged in some way. Make sure that every box is packed as securely as possible. Check boxes to confirm that they’re in good condition before you move them. 

Make Sure Your Boxes Are Clearly Labelled

You shouldn’t have to wonder about what’s packed where. When you finish packing a box, you should use a permanent marker to label the box. You should be able to see what’s in a box with a single glance. 

You’ll need to locate items that have already been packed ahead of your move in some cases. By labelling your boxes, you’ll be able to resolve these kinds of issues quickly without creating a lot of extra work for you. Having well-labelled boxes will also make the unpacking process a lot easier.  

Consider Using Clear Storage Containers

Cardboard boxes are commonly used during moves, and it’s easy to understand why. They can be used to transport many types of items, and they can often be obtained for free. While it’s likely, you will use cardboard boxes during your move, and you should look into using clear storage containers

What’s great about clear storage containers is that they allow you to see what is stored in a box. These containers can also be used to keep some of the items you bring to your home. You won’t want to pack everything in clear containers, but this is something that you may want to invest in.

Pack A Suitcase

You’ll likely be tired when you arrive at your home. You may not be ready to do any unpacking on your first day in your new home, and you probably won’t finish packing everything up right away. You can make things easier for yourself by packing a suitcase that contains all of the things you’ll need during the next few days. 

In your suitcase, you can include toiletries as well as a few changes of clothes. Ensure that you have easy access to the essential items that you won’t want to wait for.