Tips to Manage Motion Sickness While Travelling


Motion sickness is the feeling of nausea or vomiting you feel while moving in a vehicle such as a car, train, aeroplane or sea vehicles like boat or ship. It is a very common sickness which some people feel during travelling. Anyone can experience motion sickness but the extent of sickness may vary among people depending on their sensitivity to motion. 

But, it doesn’t mean you cannot travel to your favourite destinations. Make plans for your ideal vacation and embark on your journey with no worries as there are coping techniques to keep motion sickness at bay. Take a look at some of the ways you can manage your sickness while travelling. 

Treatment Options

A range of natural treatments may help stop motion sickness. If your job requires frequent travel, make an appointment with a doctor. Prescription medications or therapies like biofeedback therapy, aromatherapy may help you overcome motion sickness. Get your prescribed medicines from online PricePro Pharmacy to get them delivered on the spot where you are staying during travelling. Consult your doctor and try these treatment options that work best for you. 

1.     Take control

If you are a passenger in a moving vehicle, try to sit behind the wheel and steer the vehicle by yourself. Research has proved that motion sickness is caused when the movement of your eyes is different from the movement of your inner ear senses. If you are in the driving seat, these two senses may connect. 

2. Face the direction you’re going

If driving the vehicle is not an option then try facing the direction in which the vehicle is moving. For example, if you are on a ferry, try moving the stern to the bow (front) of the boat. Some people who have experienced motion sickness reported that sitting in the front seat helps reduce the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting.  

3. Keep your eyes on a fixed spot

Focusing your sight on a stationary object in the distance is another good coping mechanism to relieve symptoms of motion sickness. Consider swapping your seat with someone in your vehicle so you can fix your gaze looking out the window. 

4. Change positions

Sometimes lying down makes the motion sickness better. If you are experiencing the symptoms, try changing your position such as you may try standing up or lying down. Experiment with what position works best for you. Leaning your head against something can help with decreasing your head movements. 

5. Get some air

If motion sickness is overcoming you, crack a window open or go outdoors. If your mode of travel doesn’t permit, turn on the air vents towards you or turn on the fan and face it towards you. Try to sit in a clean space where there are no smokers near you. 

6. Eat crackers

Eat a light snack, like crackers to ease some of your nausea. Try avoiding foods that are oily, greasy, acidic or difficult to digest as it may make your sickness worse. Other light snacks options include bread, cereal, apples, bananas and grains.