Can I Insure A Car That Is Not in My Name in Ontario?


Before you can start driving a car in Ontario, it is mandated by law that you must be a licensed driver, insure the car, and obtain an ownership permit that indicates you are the rightful and legal owner of the car.

However, not all people in Ontario might necessarily own a car. You might be using your friend’s car or your parents’. One question that lingers is whether you need to have insurance for a car you don’t own. 

As simple as you think the answer may be, there is actually a whole process involved that you must thoroughly and diligently understand. Meanwhile, if you are looking for insurance products in Toronto, click here.

Can I Insure a Car That Is Not Mine?

The simple answer is YES, you can. Simply put, you can obtain a separate insurance policy on a car that is not registered in your name. All you need to do is inform your insurer when applying for the insurance policy of your choice that you are not the car’s registered owner. The insurer may advise/require you to be under the non-owner car insurance policy in such circumstances.

Although you may not get this from all insurers, you are absolutely free to shop around to get an insurer willing to sell the main driver’s insurance. Another alternative is to consider a short-term vehicle insurance policy for the car you don’t own. This will allow you to be added as a driver on the vehicle’s existing insurance policy for a particular period. Both your coverage and your liability will pertain only to the signified additional period.

For instance, a vehicle with a comprehensive and collision insurance policy may be granted third-party insurance that permits you to drive a car not registered in your name. Keep in mind that certain terms and conditions will be in place, and you must comply with them.  

What is the Cost Implication?

In Ontario, getting an insurance policy for a car that is not yours may be more expensive than a regular car insurance policy because most insurance companies do not often sell this kind of coverage.

However, some insurers may charge you only at the standard rate, even for insuring a car that doesn’t belong to you. To secure an affordable rate, you may need to compare quotes from different insurers for non-owner car coverage before making a decision.

When shopping for this kind of coverage, you may need to put certain things into perspective as to why prices may vary for different locations and insurance companies. However, the main goal should be how to get the best insurance coverage at a moderately fair rate. 

Non-Owner Insurance Policy

You can drive a car covered under this policy, even if the car doesn’t belong to you. The car will be covered based on the insurance company’s terms and conditions. Hence, you must compare and read all terms and conditions carefully.

In most situations, you may need to ask the insurer’s personnel to explain further in case of any queries. Moreover, you must be sure you are getting value for your hard-earned money. The main and perhaps the only difference between regular car insurance like comprehensive car insurance and non-owner car insurance policy is that the insurer must be fully aware that you are not the car owner during the application stage.

Short-term Car Insurance Policy

A short-term car insurance policy is a better option if you are in the custody of someone else’s car for a short period. This is best for a period ranging from a few weeks to even a few months. It covers the car from any eventualities and is cheaper than non-owner coverage since you are only insuring for a short period.

A fully comprehensive insurance policy may sometimes include a short-time car insurance coverage allowing you to drive other people’s cars on a short-time basis. Although this is very rare among insurance companies, it is cheap and saves from paying extra charges.


Is Car Insurance Mandatory in Ontario?

Car insurance is mandatory in Ontario, and you must have valid insurance to drive a vehicle. It is a punishable offense to be caught driving without insurance. Aside from being mandated by law, it is also safer to purchase car insurance coverage.

Can I be the Main Driver of the car if I Am Not The Owner of the Car?

Most insurance companies will only cover the car’s registered owner as the main driver. In such a scenario, make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully before purchasing the policy. However, you can be registered as the main driver in some cases, for instance, your official vehicle.

Can Someone Else Insure My Car?

Yes, your car can be insured by someone else even if they are not the registered owner. However, most insurance companies will permit the third party after defining clearly their relationship with you.

What Are the Disadvantages of this Kind of Insurance Policies?

This type of insurance doesn’t come with full coverage, unlike a comprehensive car insurance policy. In most cases, it does not cover car theft, fire damages, medical bills, damages caused by natural disasters, etc.                                                                                                                                


Insurance policies vary for different insurance companies and locations. While some may sell car insurance coverage for a car not registered in your name, others may deny you the same coverage.

However, if you plan to drive a car or be in the custody of one even though not registered in your name, making inquiries from various insurers around you won’t hurt. What will hurt is cases of damage caused by an accident to a car that doesn’t belong to you. Therefore, it’s better to be safe than sorry.