8 Types of Anxiety: How to Deal with Them


Everyone has experienced anxiety. We all feel anxious about new situations, presentations, and other things. However, persistent anxiety disorders could be cause for concern. You may be suffering from anxiety if you experience persistent and debilitating nervousness.

There are many kinds of anxiety. Knowing your condition is key to receiving treatment. These are the most common anxiety disorders. Learn how to get your mental health back on track.

Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD).

You may experience anxiety in many situations if you have a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). You might be anxious about visiting your dentist, calling a friend, or working on a project. GAD is a condition where chronic anxiety does not affect one area.

GAD can be defined as anxiety that is not in line with the world around you. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about making mistakes during a presentation. However, if you are afraid of your laptop exploding during a presentation, this could indicate a mental disorder. It is extremely unlikely that such an outcome will occur.

GAD can cause heart palpitations, sweating and quick, shallow breathing.

Common Types Of Anxiety: Panic Disorders

Panic disorder is characterized by frequent and recurring panic attacks. Panic attacks can be severe, sudden feelings of anxiety and are often accompanied by significant physical symptoms. These symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trouble breathing
  • Similar to a heart attack, chest pain

Many people will experience panic attacks in their lives. If panic attacks occur more often than once per year, it is possible that you have a panic disorder. While panic attacks are a common symptom of anxiety, panic disorders are not.

Common Types Of Anxiety: Anxiety Disorders in Social Anxiety

Social interactions can cause excessive worry and stress for some people with social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder can be manifested as a fear of being judged by others. This stress can make it difficult to keep friends or work for long periods.

You may feel like you are missing out on important events or opportunities due to social anxiety disorder. This is a sign that you need to seek treatment.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), occurs when you have difficulty processing and healing from trauma. PTSD can lead to reliving trauma or avoiding situations or objects that may remind you. These are called avoidance behaviors and can be associated with anxiety or fear.

You may feel angry or depressed if you are reminded about your trauma. This can make it difficult to run your everyday business. This is why people suffering from anxiety should seek professional help.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disease (OCD).

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), is a condition where you feel the need to perform certain daily rituals in order to avoid harming yourself and your loved ones. OCD can lead to a person feeling compelled to wash their hands for 10 minutes or more in order to avoid a potentially fatal disease. Mental health professionals can identify OCD through compulsions that may not be based in reality but create excessive stress for the patient.

These compulsions can be quite innocuous at times and seldom cause problems. OCD can lead to people missing out on a career or social opportunities. Professional mental health treatment is the best way to improve your living conditions.

Sexual Performance Anxiety

It’s supposed to be fun, but it can be difficult to have fun with your partner if you worry about how you’re doing. Learn how to get rid of sexual performance anxiety and put the spark back into your love life.

Sex is not just about a physical response. Sex is more than a physical response. Your emotions can also play a role. Your body won’t be able to get excited if your mind is too busy to think about sex.

Many different concerns can lead to the same problem.

  • Fear of not being able to perform in bed with your partner and be sexually satisfied
  • Poor body image, including concern over your weight
  • Relationship problems
  • Be worried that your penis will not “measure up”
  • Beware of ejaculating early or taking too much time to achieve orgasm
  • Anxiety at not being able or able to enjoy the sexual experience.

These factors may cause your body to release stress hormones such as epinephrine or norepinephrine.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

People tend to think of separation anxiety disorder in terms of young children. While this is the most common case, a separation anxiety disorder can also affect adults. These are the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder.

  • Over-worry about missing loved ones
  • Fear of losing a parent due to illness or natural disaster is a constant fear
  • Fear of being separated from your loved ones, avoid leaving home

These symptoms are normal in children, but separation anxiety disorder is more common in adults. It may also be caused by life changes, such as the move away from family members or a major life change. Professional care is the best way to treat anxiety disorders.

Common Types Of Anxiety Disorders: Phobias

Phobias can be experienced by anyone, but they are defined by avoidance and irrationality. Although most people who have phobias are aware that their fear is not grounded in reality, they cannot help but feel it.

Phobias are the most common type of anxiety. They can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life. A person who is afraid of cars might not be able find reliable transportation to work and social events. Fears of:

  • Social events
  • Open spaces
  • Heights
  • Flying
  • Snakes
  • Insects

How to treat the most common types of anxiety disorders

There are some commonalities across these seven types of anxiety. Irrational fear or nervousness. Second, symptoms such as increased heart rate or shallow breathing. The final thing that binds all these anxiety disorders together, is the need for professional mental health treatment.

Anxiety disorders, if left untreated, can cause social isolation, career stagnation, and even substance abuse. If you are feeling anxious or experiencing any of the other common anxiety disorders, you should seek help. Our team of psychiatrists, doctors, and other essential staff at The Blackberry Centre are available to treat anxiety disorders.