You know how you walk into a room and the aesthetics of the space matches the energy it’s meant to exude? Well, when you understand the basic elements of interior design you can alter any space in whatever mood you want to create. To get that specific cohesiveness of space from design, you must be willing to experiment with whatever ideas you have no matter how crazy they seem. Here are a few concepts that you should know about in interior design:

  • Balance- In design, it is all about equalizing the visual weight of space. This is not only through shape alone but also through color, patterns, and texture. There are three different types of proportions that are: Symmetrical also known as informal where the arrangements are split into two similar designs. The other one is Asymmetrical also known as informal, in this one there is more freedom as the designs don’t have to duplicate like in the symmetrical form. Last but not least is the Radial balance where all other designs are controlled from a central focal point. This may look very complicated but Interior designers Brisbane can always come through to ease this information to the vision you want.
  • Rhythm- This is creating visual interest by repeating patterns that create a cohesive contrast to a space. The main idea is to keep eyes moving around the room and have an ease of transitioning from one space to the next. For instance, having pillow colors that contrast with the sofas but transition your eye to a painting on the wall.
  • Emphasis– Every space needs an anchor that will prescribe the design of a space. Some spaces come with built-in focal points like the fireplace or a window with a gorgeous view whereas for other spaces you have to create the anchor. This can be using a sleek flat tv and arranging furniture in a way to indicate its centrality in the room. A piece of art can also play the same role if tv is not a part of your space.
  • Scale and proportion- Scale is how the size of one object relates to the space it occupies whereas proportion is the ratio between one size to another. The unspoken rule is that the smaller segment should be an equal ratio to the larger segment as the larger segment is to the greater space.
  • Texture- This is a great visual aide in bringing character into a space. It also subtly depicts the character of a space owner by how the textures flow into a space and also gives some hints on how some decisions were made concerning a particular space.
  • Pattern- It is a very important factor of design. Can be done in different forms like designs on the wall, on the furniture, or even in the lighting of a space. This is the concept that has more creative freedom as there is no wrong way to choose patterns.