Reasons You’re Attracting Negative Attention at Work


Although most members of the workforce seek to elicit positive attention at their jobs, a fair number of us inadvertently attract the opposite kind of attention. Needless to say, this doesn’t boast well for one’s long-term career prospects. If you regularly engage in behaviors that your bosses and coworkers find repugnant, you’re liable to find yourself facing disciplinary measures and possible termination. So, if any of the people with whom you work seem displeased by your actions, consider the following reasons.

You Treat Deadlines Like Suggestions 

You’d be hard-pressed to find a profession that doesn’t involve meeting deadlines. Virtually every job under the sun will require you to complete assignments by predetermined dates, and if you have difficulty doing this, it’s unlikely to bode well for your professional prospects. So, it should come as no surprise that consistently missing deadlines stands to draw the ire of both your bosses and coworkers. 

For example, if you regularly work on group projects, being late with your contributions can have a chain reaction. If other people can’t get started on their respective portions of an assignment until you’ve submitted yours, your lateness stands to make everyone late, thereby resulting in the assignment being submitted to the client well past the agreed upon date. Since this is liable to cause reputational damage to your employer, you have every reason to expect your bosses to take notice of your inability to meet deadlines – and take appropriate disciplinary action. 

In the interest of preventing this, make a point of regarding every deadline you’re handed as sacrosanct. Additionally, if you foresee having trouble completing an assignment by the desired deadline, inform the relevant parties ASAP. The sooner you make them aware of this, the more amenable they’re likely to be to altering the deadline. Conversely, letting your bosses know that a deadline is unmanageable shortly before an assignment is due will only serve to frustrate them. Just remember – if you have concerns regarding a deadline, make them known at the outset.    

You Never Arrive on Time 

None of us relish rolling out of bed earlier than we’d prefer and undertaking an arduous commute. However, if your employer expects you to arrive at work by a certain time, there’s simply no way around this. Habitual tardiness is unlikely to serve you well in any area of life – and work is far from an exception. Although some employers are perfectly willing to overlook the occasional late arrival, few of them take kindly to chronic lateness. 

Showing up late on a regular basis sends the message that rules that apply to everyone else are of no concern or consequence to you. Even if you’re a reliable employee in other areas, habitual tardiness can serve as a huge hindrance to getting ahead at work. Bosses generally don’t appreciate having their rules flouted, and your fellow employees are likely to resent seeing you break rules that they’re expected to follow. 

So, if you’re afflicted with chronic lateness, it’s imperative that you get it together. Whether this entails amending your sleep schedule, giving yourself more time in the morning or even relocating to a residence that’s closer to your office, getting a handle on this problem is crucial to your professional success.    

You Don’t Celebrate the Successes of Others 

If you develop a reputation for being a self-interested individual who has no qualms about getting ahead at the expense of your coworkers, your colleagues are unlikely to view you in a positive light. To help foster a healthy work environment and make your coworkers feel appreciated, take care to commemorate their individual successes and important professional milestones with small celebrations and meaningful gifts. If you’re currently in the market for a great present for a coworker, make sure to consider a high-quality LAMY fountain pen

It’s only natural for people to seek positive attention from their bosses and coworkers. Given how much time we spend with these people, it makes sense that we’d want them to like us. Needless to say, having less-than-ideal relationships with the aforementioned parties can make your work experience frustrating and uncomfortable. As such, you should make every effort to remain in their good graces. Unfortunately, when we attract negative attention at work, we often do so without even realizing it. So, if any of the behaviors discussed above apply to you, there’s no time like the present to start making changes.