Ways to Help Others When Your Schedule is Packed


Although many of us want to take part in charitable causes, give back to our communities and impact positive changes in the lives of others, the demands of work and family often prevent us from doing so. Fortunately, even if you’re consistently pressed for time, there are a number of ways you can help bring about positive change. As you’ll find, not every charitable endeavor has to involve putting forth massive amounts of time you simply don’t have.

Do Remote Volunteer Work for Various Causes and Charities 

While many volunteer opportunities will require you to be physically present and hands-on, there are a number of ways you can help your favorite charities and causes from the comfort of home. For example, if you’re adept at web design, why not offer to revamp the websites of various local charities? Additionally, if a charity lacks a website altogether, you may be just the person to build them one. 

Of course, this isn’t to say that all remote volunteer opportunities require one to be proficient in tech. For example, many charities are always looking for volunteers to make phone calls and send text messages on their behalf. Similarly, if you’re no stranger to social media, promoting your favorite causes through the web’s leading social platforms can be a great way to spread the word and get more people on board.  

Donate to Your Favorite Causes 

You’d be hard-pressed to find a charity that isn’t happy to receive donations. Virtually any charity you can think of is likely to make it easy for interested parties to make monetary contributions. So, if you believe in a certain cause and are able to comfortably part ways with a certain amount of money, your generosity is sure to be appreciated. 

Furthermore, don’t feel as if there’s pressure to donate enormous sums, especially if you’re unable to do so without negatively impacting your own finances. Any amount you’re able to give can make a difference. 

Donate Electronic Devices You No Longer Need 

These days, it feels like our lives revolve around our various devices. From smartphones to smart televisions to computers, our days are essentially spent hopping from one device to the other. However, despite how much use we get out of our electronics, many of them become outdated within a fairly expedient time-frame. In fact, it’s hardly unusual for people to upgrade certain devices on an annual basis. 

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get your hands on the latest gadgets, it’s important to ensure that perfectly usable (albeit slightly outdated) electronics don’t become e-waste. So, if you have any outdated devices that are just collecting dust, consider donating them to people to whom they can be of use. For example, many shelters, schools, churches and other donation centers are always accepting usable electronics. There are also charities that specialize exclusively in finding new homes for unneeded electronics. 

If you have no choice but to get rid of old devices – if they’re broken, for example – make sure to take them to a proper e-waste recycling facility. This will prevent your old electronics from rotting in landfills and negatively impacting the environment.  

Donate Blood 

Taking a small amount of time out of your schedule to donate blood can make a tremendous difference in the lives of others. So, if you’ve been given the all-clear to give blood, now would be a great time to get the ball rolling. Anyone who’s unclear on where to donate can simply fire up their favorite search engine to find donation centers in their area. Additionally, if you’ve never donated, take care to brush up on the basics of blood donation and educate yourself on the most common blood type

A relentlessly packed schedule can hinder us in a number of ways. In addition to all the stress associated with never being able to slow down, you’re liable to feel frustration in response to being unable to do the things you truly want to do. For example, if you’ve wanted to get involved in charity, an unforgiving schedule is liable to throw a wrench in the works. Fortunately, even people contending with packed schedules should be able to participate in the charitable endeavors discussed above.