Smart Tips You Didn’t Think of to Promote Your Business


Promoting a business is important not only for first-timers but for well-established companies as well. While there are many ways to promote a business, the right tricks and tactics will help you attract and retain a large number of customers.

Some people might make lengthy and complex plans to promote their business when all that is necessary is just a simple plan that is thought of carefully.

Here are some tips that will help you promote your business. Some of these tips may require you to invest a large sum of money but many tips will work even if you are on a shoe-string budget.

Take the World by Storm

Your goal should be to market your brand and business wherever and whenever possible. Before you try anything new, make sure you have accurately nailed your target audience.

·      Nothing gives a business a professional edge the way a logo does. Advertise your logo on all platforms and whatever marketing material you use. Logos make it easier for people to recognize you.

·      For your business to be taken seriously by others, a letterhead, an envelope, and a business card are essential things you need to have ready.

·      Women-owned or minority-owned businesses should consider getting certified by federal or state organizations. This is because several purchasing agents have a quota for buying a certain amount of goods or services from such businesses.

·      Networking effectively will earn dividends in the long run. Meet up with people in the same field as yours and other business owners. Don’t miss attending seminars on topics related to your business.

·      A PPC (pay per click) advertising campaign with a free landing page can work wonders for your business with the quality of text and accuracy of keywords.

Increase Online Presence

With the boom in social media, it goes without saying that you need to take to the Internet and social networking sites to mark your presence.

·      Keep your profiles on LinkedIn and Google Plus updated. You will need to regularly post promotional content on your Facebook page as well.

·      Come up with catchy hashtags that are easy to remember for your Twitter fans. Promote your hash-tags in newspaper and magazine advertisements too. Target your products at specific customers rather than generalizing their use.

·      You can consider setting up a business listing in the local directories of search engines. This is generally free of charge and you’re sure to be seen by many people.

·      If you have the resources, you can set up a website. This gives you credibility and you will come across to other people as being serious about your business.

·      Make a list of blogs and other websites that are related to your business field. Many sites are ready to accept guest blogs; you just need to spin quality content on a topic that you are familiar with. This increases your exposure as you can even link the blog to your own website.

·      E-newsletters are a great way to tap new customer bases and interact with people. You can tell them about new products, offers and more. Moreover, if a person finds your products and offers interesting, he will tell others about it or he may even forward your newsletter to those he thinks might be interested in it.

Think out of the Box

You will need to spend a considerable amount of time researching the market and the consumer habits of potential clients. Once you know important things about them such as where they hang out, what they shop, what they look for on the Internet, and what their budgets are, you will have to look for innovative ways to turn them into existing customers.

·      Consider collaborating with a similar business to create unique products or one-time offers. Marketing costs will be shared too, so it won’t be a burden to any one business.

·      Get your logo or tagline printed on t-shirts and distribute them at select stores or at seminars.

·      You can also consider having your company’s logo printed on a truck or a car.

·      Give away freebies to customers in malls or at public places. You can also distribute customized calendars, notepads, diaries or pens to people.

·      If possible, make a small sample packaging of a product you sell. This sample-sized product can be sold at a very low price or can be given free upon purchasing another product.

·      Hold a contest for your potential customers. The theme of the contest and the prize (service or product) for winning it should both be related to your business.


If you have just started your company or are planning to start one, be prepared for a lot of work. Depending on the promotional methods you choose, you will have to devote a varying amount of time, energy and money to see the results you want to.

Your efforts may not bear immediate results but don’t let that deter you from putting in your best. Keep going and you will certainly increase your market base and come across new opportunities.

Author Bio:

Peter Greene is the community manager at Personalized Tee-shirts, a business that specializes in making customized clothing. When he is not working, he enjoys reading, skiing, and hiking with his dog.