How to Paint Old Walls: Brushing vs. Spraying


A lot of people around the world when consider renovating their homes or just re-paining the wall, let’s say, in the kitchen, still used old school brush painting method. On the other hand, professional painters say that today there is a great alternative to old school methods and is called paint sprayers. More and more professional home renovation companies move brushes and rollers aside and turn to sprayers. In the article below we will describe both brushing bruising and spraying painting methods and explain when each of the methods is better to use.

Spraying Paint

The main greatest advantage of using Graco spray gun or any other paint sprayer is the speed of applying the paint on the surface. Within several minutes you will be able to lay even layer of paint onto the surface. Moreover, as the layer is even the paint itself will dry much faster. Below we created a list of main advantages of using spray guns:

  • Incredibly quick application and so significantly low inhalation of the paint particles;
  • Perfect smooth finish without any marks usually left after brush and roller painting;
  • One layer coverage;
  • Easiness in reaching corners and any other hard to reach areas.

There is no secret that the preparation time for paint spraying may take a while, however you generally will do the same preparation for any kind of painting.

Painting with a Brush

Brush painting is one of the oldest and most well known way of painting any surfaces. There is no secret that with a brush you will be able to paint pretty much any surface, however the question about the quality of your work and the timing is usually the issue here. With no doubt, you can slowly enjoy how layer after layer the wall becomes different, however during all this time you will be inhaling paint whereas with paint sprayers this time is much less. With no doubt, brush painting has its advantages, and here they are below:

  • Perfect control over the painted surfaces
  • Good adhesion
  • Easier to paint small particles and details

But regardless of the advantages brush painting has, the list of the downsides of this painting method is longer.

  • With the brush it is extremely hard to create even and same layers of paint so that everything will dry out at the same time
  • The general time of painting is bigger and so the harmful influence of the paint particles is significantly higher while painting with brush than while using a paint sprayer
  • Generally, you will need to paint the same surface several times
  • It is hard not to leave any paint marks
  • Any obstructions make it much harder to make the proper application

Brett Jenkins acts as a reviewer for a range of digital content networks, who sheds light on various home improvement topics such as the benefits of using spraying systems in Canada home remodel projects and other matters alike. A restless nomad of digital space and an influential blogger in all having to do with the home renovations.

Bolair Fluid Handling Systems

17 Units 1 & 2, Brownridge Road,

Halton Hills,


L7G 0C6,


(905) 564-2231